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Tuesday May 17, 2011
FLFlorida Deadline approaching for Scott to act on election bill
INIndiana E.C. ballot recount is scheduled
KYKentucky Conway says attorney general’s office will investigate voter fraudKentucky Kentucky voters head to the polls
LALouisiana Tucker eyeing secretary of state race
MAMassachusetts Town still looking for voters to serve as election officers
MTMontana Bozeman commission split on whether to pay return postage on ballots
NENebraska Two misdemeanors in vote flap
NJNew Jersey Man gets probation for role in voter fraud
NYNew York DOJ on redistricting
NCNorth Carolina N.C. early voting gets short reprieveNorth Carolina City to hold hearing on redrawn voter precinctsNorth Carolina Final House bill coming on election bill
OHOhio Board of elections begins official count of May 3 voteOhio Hamilton County BOE successfully pilots electronic poll booksOhio Elections clerk did not violate state lawOhio Vote recounts could uphold results in Seneca CountyOhio Voting changes proposed ahead of 2012 election
PAPennsylvania Heated Philly primary races raise fears of polling problemsPennsylvania Public won’t have to wait long
TXTexas Voter ID bill heads to Perry’s deskTexas Texas House passes final version of voter ID billTexas Miscast ballots blamed on inaccurate mapTexas Official
VAVirginia Voting districts set for Smyth County
WIWisconsin Recalls could be used for voter ID training
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