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Tuesday June 7, 2011
National NewsNational News Heading to a voting booth? Bring your photo ID
FLFlorida Stafford to speak next week about election law changes
GAGeorgia Lawsuit accuses Georgia of breaking voter law
INIndiana County election officials told to find new training location
LALouisiana Runner up for King Zulu 2012 drops election challenge
MEMaine House votes to end same-day registrationMaine Changes to voting laws get initial endorsement
MAMassachusetts Oak Bluffs selectmen want new protocol for election notificationMassachusetts Hopkinton seeking court order to unseal ballot
MNMinnesota GOP promises to repay counties recount costs
NVNevada AG, Democrats argue special election should be wide-open affair
NJNew Jersey Former Passaic County elections secretary indicted on theft of public funds
OHOhio Proposed election reform could change absentee voting period
PAPennsylvania House voter ID vote may come WednesdayPennsylvania County wants campaigners to stay further away from polls
VTVermont Secretary of state has new, historic residence
WVWest Virginia Candidate alleges voter fraudWest Virginia Heat forces change to municipal election
WIWisconsin Recount cost county at least $8100
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