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Tuesday June 14, 2011
AKAlaska City clerk retiring after more than 20 years
AZArizona After 28 years, deputy clerk retiring
ARArkansas Soda can bomb ends with two year sentence
CACalifornia County files motion to dismiss case alleging voters' rights violationsCalifornia Legislature appears ready to OK special election
CTConnecticut Merrill announces awarding of nearly $1.2M grant for voting technology
FLFlorida Elections supervisor asks for 6.5 percent budget increaseFlorida Indian River county elections supervisor seeks smaller budget increaseFlorida Martin voters may see cutback in number of polling places
GAGeorgia Elections board prepping for a dynamic year
INIndiana White accuses special prosecutor of voting in wrong placeIndiana Second E.C. election recount withdrawn
KYKentucky Man pleads guilty of vote-buying
MEMaine Senate rejects bill requiring photo ID to voteMaine Move to eliminate same-day registration draws protests
MAMassachusetts Unsealed ballot fails to resolve tied raceMassachusetts Bellingham may reduce number of polling locations
MNMinnesota GOP lawmakers start voter ID amendment work early
MOMissouri Governor faces veto choice on voting laws
MTMontana Helena engineer to run for secretary of state
NVNevada North Las Vegas officials face decisionon bad ballotNevada Mistake at polling place could change outcome of election
NJNew Jersey Recount sought after 9-vote loss
NMNew Mexico State police investigating voter fraud
NYNew York Voter Friendly Ballot Act introduced
TXTexas Fewer voters turn out after gun arrest at polling place
VAVirginia DOJ approves Prince William redistricting plan
WVWest Virginia Tennant
WIWisconsin New residency rules mean Tuesday is last day to registerWisconsin Expense of fake Democratic primary will top $400K
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