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Thursday July 28, 2011
INIndiana White's trial delayed to Sept. 12
IAIowa Supervisors concerned auditor's voter survey results skewed
KYKentucky Man convicted of voter fraud
MEMaine Elections chief discusses findings in voter fraud allegations
MIMichigan Offer of pot for voter registration draws scrutinyMichigan Mayoral candidates ask for state oversight of election
MNMinnesota Web software streamlines elections in Anoka County
MSMississippi Rankin County special election will cost thousands
NVNevada Former NLV councilman contests election loss in court
NYNew York Essex County employees can still use OT to work elections
OHOhio Elections board to determine Gilchrist's proper voting locale
PAPennsylvania Judge ends federal suit against Pa. election law
SCSouth Carolina Proposed changes would split voting precincts
TNTennessee Secretary of state launches photo ID education campaign
VAVirginia Bedford County wins Voting Rights Act exemptionVirginia Surry must hold primary for one voter
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