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Thursday August 11, 2011
CACalifornia Study shows identity rhetoric increases voter turnout
COColorado Pitkin County may need bilingual ballots
DEDelaware Governor vetoes part of municipal election reform law
FLFlorida Satellite offices to openFlorida Supervisor and assistant work last election
ILIllinois Voting changes could prove costly to Peoria taxpayers
INIndiana ID scanners might speed-up process
MEMaine Thomaston wants same-day voter registrationMaine Former secretary of state Dan Gwadosky dies at 57
MDMaryland Mt. Airy council discussing changes to its election cycle
MAMassachusetts Photo ID requirement proposed for all Mass. votersMassachusetts Putting voter ID on the ballot
MIMichigan Saginaw County
MSMississippi Sheriff seeks examination of Hinds primary ballots
NVNevada Judge fines ACORN $5K for voter registration schemeNevada Secretary of state seeks $539K to pay counties for special election
NJNew Jersey GOP freeholder battle heads to courtNew Jersey Witnesses to testify in Morris County freeholder election dispute
NYNew York Essex County to get absentee ballot lock boxNew York State considers moving up primary election
OHOhio Former Butler County elections chief pleads guilty
PAPennsylvania Election officials confirm job threats
SCSouth Carolina Toccoa, Stephens County approve municipal elections agreement
TNTennessee Losing candidate says prisoners voted in council election
TXTexas Medina County voting going paperlessTexas County hears plan to aid efficiency at voting booth
WVWest Virginia Mineral polling locations to charge more rent
WIWisconsin Paper jam causes malfunction in ballot machine
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