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Friday September 2, 2011
National NewsNational News Some states consider scheduling earlier primaries
AZArizona High court accepts transfer of recall case
DCDistrict of Columbia New appointee voted in D.C., lives in Md.
GAGeorgia Secretary of state visitsGeorgia Justice Dept. OKs election changes
LALouisiana Elections postponed
NJNew Jersey Electronic voting case prompts new election
NMNew Mexico Watchdog
NYNew York County executive wants plan to prevent repeat of 2010 election mishaps
OHOhio Agreement approved for voting machine maintenanceOhio By-mail ballot battle still brewingOhio Husted, Fitzgerald meet to discuss absentee ballotsOhio General election early voting date unclear
SCSouth Carolina Malloy leads opposition to state voter ID law
TNTennessee Jackson voters split on ID law
VAVirginia Localities released from Voting Rights Act
WIWisconsin Recalls costly for NE Wisconsin counties
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