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September 24 - 26, 2011
AZArizona Yuma could be first to add vote centers
ARArkansas Election commission gears up for vote
CACalifornia Institute to train visually impaired to vote
COColorado Boulder County clerk to test ballots, equipmentColorado County clerks oppose efforts to make ballots publicColorado Clerks prepared to fight effort to make voted ballots available to public
CTConnecticut Campaign mails incorrect voting locations to some votersConnecticut Candidates' observers barred from polling placesConnecticut Bridgeport absentee ballots becoming focus of election complaints
DCDistrict of Columbia Gray pulls nominee for elections board
FLFlorida Palm Beach County preps for 2012 electionsFlorida Candidate loses lawsuit, quest for recountFlorida Still no primary date
GAGeorgia Fairfield wants to keep precinctGeorgia Secretary of state weighs primary dates
INIndiana The vote is in
NMNew Mexico Learning curve
NYNew York Robert. L. Rosengren, Sr.
OHOhio Voting precincts in Hamilton County consolidatedOhio New voting bill under scrutinyOhio Cuyahoga County GOP chairman gives 'no' vote to voting task forceOhio Early voting date havoc
PAPennsylvania Old polling house will feature 21st Century technology
SCSouth Carolina Dispute over presidential primaries escalatesSouth Carolina County says 'no' to paying for GOP primary
SDSouth Dakota Helping veterans vote
TNTennessee Elections position could see change
TXTexas Justice Dept. seeks more details on Texas' voter ID lawTexas New voting laws may lessen voting participation at Rice
USVIUS Virgin Islands Joint board leaves antics behind and gets down to work on elections reform
WVWest Virginia State shoulders Berkley County with election machine maintenanceWest Virginia Morgan County confident of smooth election-day process
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