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Thursday October 6, 2011
West VirginaWest Virgina Mon County election headquarters gets temporary homeWest Virgina Election equipment moving to new home
AKAlaska Election results slowly coming from across AlaskaAlaska Some key races still lack clear results
COColorado Aspen to appeal ruling over ballot imagesColorado Pueblo County clerk joins lawsuit over ballots for inactive votersColorado 'Inactive' Fort Collins voters to get mail-in ballotsColorado Mail ballot will differ across Eagel County
FLFlorida Hillsborogh elections office opens two new locationsFlorida State primary date switch forces local scramble
GAGeorgia Voting machines tested ahead of electionGeorgia Elections department preps for activity
ILIllinois Marion County clerk's office to purge voter rolls
INIndiana Election law 'slipped by' GOP leaders
KYKentucky Bill Johnson, Republican candidate for secretary of state
MEMaine Back and forth over same-day voter registration continuesMaine Think tank study finds fraud risk in elections
MOMissouri Sanders says he won't run for secretary of stateMissouri Door calls for state lawmakers to decide primary election issue
MTMontana Missoula election staff urges voters to check status
NJNew Jersey Atlantic County clerk candidates at odd over past ballot mistakesNew Jersey Polling place changes in Margate
NMNew Mexico Problems reported with Albuquerque voting system
OHOhio Voting machine test begins in Jefferson CountyOhio Green Co. seeks new elections directorOhio Cuyahoga County elections board retrieves ballot after voter complains of missing pageOhio Betras gets support from both parties on board of elections nominationOhio Galena loses its polling place this election
PAPennsylvania Bucks County seeks election officials
SCSouth Carolina State, GOP to pay for primarySouth Carolina Attorney general wants voter data, critics hammer voter ID lawSouth Carolina Election official
TXTexas Coucil votes to move election dateTexas Secretary of state responds to feds on voter IDTexas Court reviews Texas redistricting map
VAVirginia Exemptions granted on voting regsVirginia New voter cards should be in the mailVirginia Poor signature could disqualify Va. absentee ballots
WIWisconsin City of Waukesha posts information about voter IDWisconsin Dem bill would waive ID card replacement feeWisconsin Lots of attention for Waukesha clerk after report
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