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Thursday October 13, 2011
NationalNational New Census data trigger federal requirements for bilingual ballots in 25 states
CACalifornia Election site taps social networksCalifornia Ballots to reflect growing diversityCalifornia Sacramento County must provide voting materials, ballots in ChineseCalifornia Napa must now publish elections material in Spanish
COColorado Election ballots go out this week to some 2,900 active registrantsColorado Census data show only 3 counties must print ballots in Spanish
CTConnecticut Merrill selects precincts for audit
FLFlorida State senator files bill to expand early votingFlorida New polling places await thousands of votersFlorida Presidential primary switch scrambles dates for Orange County city electionsFlorida Lee must provide more Spanish voting materials
INIndiana Distrust, turmoil
KYKentucky Secretary of State Elaine Walker diagnosed with breast cancer
LALouisiana Tucker believes office should have more impactLouisiana Candidates sling mud in state race
MAMassachusetts Mass. cities scramble to print multlingual ballotsMassachusetts Quincy to offer election info in Chinese
MIMichigan Secretary of state outlines new election proposals
MSMississippi Ballot initiative aims to prevent voter fraudMississippi Voter fraud dips since convictions
MTMontana Lewis and Clark County prepares for mail ballot elections
NHNew Hampshire Secretary of state threatens to move primary to 2011
NJNew Jersey County clerk candidates attack and defendNew Jersey Korean langauge ballots coming to Bergen County
NYNew York Ballot listings disputed
NCNorth Carolina Police accuse man of stealing Gaston voting machines
OHOhio Cuyahoga County BOE meeting establishes practices for upcoming electionOhio Absentee ballots too heavy, require additional postage
OROregon No Oregon counties required to provide bilingual ballots
PAPennsylvania Conestoga polling change protested
SDSouth Dakota Dakota County may add Spanish ballots
TNTennessee Commissioner orders 'commonsense,' speed in handling of voter ID cards
TXTexas Orange County elections office working with LSCO to save moneyTexas Whistleblower Act brings lawsuit against elections officeTexas Travis County program aims to make voting easierTexas Franklin County OKs overtime for elections
UTUtah Salt Lake County now required to offer Spanish-language assistance to votersUtah Federal bilingual requirement may add to Utah election costs
VAVirginia Augusta County voters told to be on lookout for voter registration cardsVirginia Advice
WIWisconsin Test run of new state voter ID law in Madison led to lines, voter confusionWisconsin Legislature may not allow voters to receive ballots by emailWisconsin New student IDs for voting could cost UW $700K every two yearsWisconsin Feds order Milwaukee to provide ballots, voting rules in SpanishWisconsin Walker recall costsWisconsin Feds press Wisconsin on fall primary date
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