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Wednesday October 26, 2011
National NewsNational News Congressional Black Caucus targets state voter laws as hostileNational News Three counties must provide voting help to Asian Indians
CACalifornia City of Palm Springs launches election information website
COColorado Vote centers replace precinct polling locations on Election Day
DCDistrict of Columbia Former D.C. auditor may head elections board
FLFlorida Nelson urges Scott to revamp elections law after teacher draws warningFlorida Supervisor of elections hosts 'Cans for a Cause' food drive
GAGeorgia Georgia seeks to strike down Voting Rights Act
IAIowa Poll hours cut in several towns
MSMississippi Mistake by secretary of state's office forces election ballot reprint
NVNevada 'Alien' invades secretary of state's office
NHNew Hampshire Secretary of state to set primary date next week
NJNew Jersey Bergen County clerk candidates clash over ballot printing costsNew Jersey Cumberland County GOP cries fraud
NMNew Mexico Voters can now cast ballots in other precincts
NYNew York Dutchess County ballots, voting machines readied after court rulingNew York Document Drop
NCNorth Carolina Board of elections
OHOhio Board plans to allow voting weekend before electionOhio Charges not filed in voting disputeOhio Board of elections must hire 8,000 temporary employeesOhio Two primaries mean no special election in 2012
SDSouth Dakota National popular vote movement fails in South Dakota
TNTennessee Some District 1 voters will have new voting precinct next electionTennessee Election officials approve precinct linesTennessee Election Day brings voter ID lawTennessee Veteran had to pay for voter photo IDTennessee Voting law impacts seniorsTennessee State election coordinator's Memphis visit highlights photo-ID battle
TXTexas County, schools work out election issues
UTUtah Utah lauded for online voter registration
VAVirginia No simple fix for splitting precinct in August County
WAWashington King County elections relies on Census data to determine lanugages for ballotsWashington Ballots' journey juggles security, transparency
WVWest Virginia Putnam County gets voting grant from secretary of state
WIWisconsin Vote on primary move delayed
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