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Thursday December 22, 2011
National NewsNational News Election results websites heading to the cloud
AKAlaska State purging rolls of lapsed voters
AZArizona Lawsuit over recall targets county recorder
COColorado City officials, county clerk irked over Adams County officials closing only county office in Aurora
CTConnecticut Wethersfield polling districts changed
FLFlorida Runoff election may be needed after all
GAGeorgia No answers in voting rights lawsuitGeorgia Some changes coming for Bryan's precincts and polls
INIndiana Veteran GOP election official outIndiana Recount now has Connersville mayor's race at a tie
MEMaine Michigan group gave $250K to Maine's 'No on 1' backers
MIMichigan Novi adds two polling locations
MOMissouri Military, out of country ballots available tomorrow
NHNew Hampshire No charges in Keene election day dispute
NJNew Jersey No investigation into Fairfield primary eleciton case
NYNew York Troy city council president indicted on voter fraudNew York County executive responds to elections commissioner's claim of 'political harassment'
NCNorth Carolina Brunswick commissioners push for voter IDNorth Carolina Officials deny Forsyth elections director sexually harassed employees
OHOhio Rock slide injures former elections official
PAPennsylvania NAACP mobilizes against voter ID bill
SCSouth Carolina No decision made in Atlantic Beach's voting machine case
TXTexas Grapevine makes changes to early voting access
VAVirginia Lynchburg redistricting gives Liberty its own polling place
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