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Friday January 13, 2012
National NewsNational News Political battle brewing over new voter ID lawsNational News Vote on the weekend? Government study inconclusiveNational News Should elections be held on weekends?
Overseas NewsOverseas News U.S. nationals get a voting reminder from new U.S. consul
AKAlaska Testimony: Alaska's redistricting plan was the best option availableAlaska Wasilla preps for rare election
AZArizona ACLU intervenes in Voting Rights case
CACalifornia Group: 2010 election in Freson County probed
COColorado Breckenridge OKs mail-in ballot elections
CTConnecticut Polling places could close to save money
FLFlorida Leon County gears up for primaryFlorida Hillsborough County to get a jump on early voting
INIndiana FEMA wants county to repay unused flood fundsIndiana Smith-Ille to head Monroe County elections board
KSKansas First vote cast under new ID law
KYKentucky Activists pushing for automatic voting rights restoration for felons
MDMaryland Mt. Airy voter registration a month early
MIMichigan Arbitrator: Holland City Clerk Jennifer French's 2006 firing justified
MOMissouri Cape Girardeau considering proposals for electronic polling equipmentMissouri Cape voting precincts consolidated to save money
NENebraska Voter ID bill, LB239, taken off legislative agenda
NVNevada Judge denies motion to reconsider decision in North Las Vegas election
NHNew Hampshire NH AG's office investigating voter videoNew Hampshire A house divided on voter IDNew Hampshire Lynch: There's not voter fraud problem in New HampshireNew Hampshire Town councilor allegedly accosts election official at primary pollsNew Hampshire Some don't want schools used for votes
NYNew York Auditor selected for county board of elections probe
OHOhio County Council OKs election baord purchaseOhio On-demand paper ballots to save county money
OKOklahoma Mock election a successOklahoma Mock voting continues
OROregon Oregon tests voting on iPads
PAPennsylvania Wellsville voting issues: New polling place needed
SCSouth Carolina Several precinct changes for the upcoming primarySouth Carolina Elections leader wants probe of more than 900 dead voters
TXTexas Texas responds to fed data demad on voter ID billTexas Forum set for this weekend on state's voter ID lawTexas January voter registration certificates mailing delayedTexas County election chiefs await Supreme Court redistricting ruling
UTUtah Navajos seek new voting map
WAWashington Voting bills for youth, same-day registration get hearingWashington Billig bill preregisters youth vote
WVWest Virginia Tennant in 'wait and see' mode
WIWisconsin Voters must come preparedWisconsin Voting? Do you have your ID?Wisconsin Redistricting issue a headache for clerksWisconsin Elections board to create petition database, request more timeWisconsin Elections board gets new chairman
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