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Wednesday January 18, 2012
National NewsNational News Holder warns voting rights still at riskNational News Wisconsin is latest state in court over photo ID requirementNational News Secretaries of state at center of election battles
AKAlaska Redistricting trial comes to a close
AZArizona Yavapai County workers face much more than November's general election
ARArkansas Wood announces candidacy for Arkansas County clerk
CACalifornia US Justice Dept. upholds Senate mapsCalifornia Fresno Co. supervisors name 18-year employee Brandi Orth as new elections chief
COColorado County considers long-term lease for election work
CTConnecticut Republican registrar retiresConnecticut Malloy, Merrill roll out election reformsConnecticut Redistricting changes Wilton's polling placesConnecticut Complaint filed against election agency's proposed new director
DCDistrict of Columbia Special election set for May 15
FLFlorida Voting equipment tested ahead of electionsFlorida Madison residents arrested in vote-fraud case sue FDLEFlorida Former Fla. Rep. Ron Reagan may run for Manatee supervisor of electionsFlorida If Reagan doesn't, Bennett says he could run for elections postFlorida Detert in running for secretary of state post
GAGeorgia Election officials set early voting hoursGeorgia Secretary of state announces primary absentee voting optionsGeorgia Five Bluffton precincts get new location for primaryGeorgia State seeks overseas voters
ILIllinois Chicago BOE now involved in state senate raceIllinois County judge recesses hearing on fate of East St. Louis election board
KSKansas Concerns over voter ID highlights town hallKansas Kansas official to argue elections appeal himself
KYKentucky Hopkins County election precinct changing
MAMassachusetts Many Haverhill voters get new polling places
MIMichigan Johnson offers voter registration at naturalization ceremony
MNMinnesota Voter photo ID legislation introduced as constitutional amendment
MOMissouri County council to meet in emergency session for vote on election devices
NHNew Hampshire NHGOP turns up voter ID heatNew Hampshire NH Republicans, Democrats at odds over need for photo ID law
NYNew York Jury selection begins
NCNorth Carolina Wake election officials to look at Morrisville ballot dispute
OHOhio Dems put leader on BOE, Republicans stick with ReidOhio Couple are first to get award for election workOhio Voting machine battery replacement adds costs
OKOklahoma Mock election: Voters like Will Rogers, ice creamOklahoma Method under scrutiny
SCSouth Carolina Benedict students urged to voteSouth Carolina Johnsonville high looks to register students to vote
SDSouth Dakota Pine Ridge voters sue Fall River
TNTennessee Switching election date would save Church Hill $7,500Tennessee An oversight in the voter ID lawTennessee Students learn importance of votingTennessee Election commission picks new spot for February voting
TXTexas Ellis: Texas unable to prove ID law won't discriminateTexas Voter registration cards not yet mailed in Upshur County
VAVirginia Voter ID bill begins moving forward in Virginia HouseVirginia Senate panel approves redistricting proposalVirginia State GOP asks elections board to delete loyalty oathVirginia Appeals court denies GOP primary ballot challenge
WAWashington Now 16-year-olds considered for voting rights?Washington County to expand elections office
WIWisconsin Minor glitches at some polling placesWisconsin How much will your community pay for the recall?Wisconsin Elections board head unsure how long review of signatures will take
WYWyoming Judge holds hearing on Wyoming term limits case
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