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Tuesday January 31, 2012
National NewsNational News Can a Web app help voters get photo ID?
FLFlorida Will Florida laws keep young voters from primary?Florida Committee kills change to Fla. election lawFlorida Heavy precinct turnout expected in Collier, BonitaFlorida Precinct preview pushes passion for voting as primary draws nearFlorida Battle over depositions continues in elections law challengeFlorida Supervisor of election says PBC ready for primaryFlorida Potential problems at the polls?Florida Youth vote faces new challengesFlorida PBC elections officials working to prevent election night problemsFlorida Early absentee voting in Florida ahead of 2008 pace
INIndiana Recount prompts vote center questionsIndiana Clark, Floyd counties considering vote centersIndiana Jury seated, trial expected to last 2 weeks
IAIowa Branstad shows support for voter ID legislationIowa Voter ID bill back with a twistIowa Cerro Gordo County, secretary of state at odds over precinct atlas
KSKansas State: Forms for free birth certificates will be available online
MDMaryland Frederick looks at options for election duties
MAMassachusetts KidsVoting tries to get Stoughton parents registeredMassachusetts Activists pitch changes as panel works on election law overhaul
MNMinnesota State falls short stopping felons from voting, group says
MOMissouri Does the Missouri primary matter anymore?
NVNevada State sets non-Sabbath vote for Jews
NJNew Jersey DOE clarifies rules on new election law
NYNew York NY faces tough task meeting primary deadlinesNew York Former city clerk's testimony in focus
OHOhio Advocates oppose changing election overhaul bill nowOhio Republicans haggle about election reform
OKOklahoma Election board gears up for busy year
PAPennsylvania More ballots now bilingual
SCSouth Carolina Slovakian ambassador observes primary voting
SDSouth Dakota Native Americans given less time to vote sue state
TNTennessee Lawmakers want to put squeeze on open primariesTennessee Elected officials push voter education, registrationTennessee Montgomery County doesn't need new poll workers for primary
TXTexas Redistricting ties up election processTexas Referendum may end Boern election litigationTexas Attorney: Texas redistricting talks have stalledTexas Gregg County commissioners set primary date, but map dispute could change it
UTUtah Bill would protect registered voters from identity theft
VAVirginia AARP stands up against voter ID law
WVWest Virginia Feds crack Lincoln County vote fraudWest Virginia Lincoln County officials admit stuffing ballot boxWest Virginia Lincoln residents frustrated by election fraud
WIWisconsin Voter ID requirement for most absentee ballotsWisconsin Milwaukee will track voters ID impactWisconsin NAACP to request data on voters turned away from wrong IDsWisconsin Privacy concerns halt release of petition signaturesWisconsin Municipal clerks confront recall costsWisconsin Voters in the same place find themselves in new districts
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