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Friday March 23, 2012
ALAlabama Barbour County could play $16K for run-off election
AZArizona Kingman voters may move to a fall electionArizona Lake Country mail ballots proceed
CACalifornia Plea made to keep post offices open
COColorado Debate continuing on required voter photo IDsColorado Gessler says Senate Dems delaying bills he wants passed
CTConnecticut Committee approves election-day voter registrationConnecticut Trumbull GOP's 4-district voting plan backed
FLFlorida Delray Beach mayor to run for PBC elections supervisor
GAGeorgia GOP takes no action on Russell County commissioner election challenge
GUGuam Governor vows to veto poll reform billGuam Debate over election reform bill continues
HIHawaii Hawaii owes $1.2M in fight over voting machines contractHawaii Election machines dispute settled for $1.2M
ILIllinois No votes lost to faulty ballotsIllinois East St. Louis held up as poster-child for election reform statewideIllinois Clarendon Hills man enjoys long run as election judgeIllinois Winnebago County wants compensation from ballot company
KSKansas Kobach's proof of citizenship proposal lives again
LALouisiana Polls prep for votersLouisiana Beauregard polling place moved due to flooding
MAMassachusetts Massachusetts' young voters get boostMassachusetts How will new voting precincts affect the local election?
MNMinnesota Senate District 20 primary puts counties in a time crunchMinnesota Voter photo ID spotlight moves to SenateMinnesota Masky, local election official, concerned abotu voter ID requirementsMinnesota Nowthen sets precincts, creates new polling place
NENebraska Omahans protest 'voter suppression'Nebraska Group rallies for more polling places
NMNew Mexico Group accuses retired Marine of voter fraud
NCNorth Carolina Board debates voter ID law on Monday
OROregon Oregon judge rejects challenge of election date
PAPennsylvania Fayette absentee ballots to be delivered by postal carrier
SCSouth Carolina Judge allows ACLU in on SC voter ID suitSouth Carolina Bill would allow voters to register online
TXTexas Voters to get registration cards in AprilTexas County's satellite polling places get extension of early voting hours
UTUtah Utah voters may now request absentee ballots online
WVWest Virginia Primary election planning on trackWest Virginia Commission responds to threatened lawsuit
WIWisconsin Two voting districts must be redrawnWisconsin City attorney rules no doughnuts to poll workers
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