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Tuesday April 3, 2012
CACalifornia Oceanside election process may change in JuneCalifornia City council balltos receive increased security
COColorado Gessler again pushes for Senate panel to approve bill
CTConnecticut West Hartford registrar: 'I deserve a raise'Connecticut Trumbull switches from 7 districts to 4
DCDistrict of Columbia Some fear low turnout in early D.C. primaryDistrict of Columbia Two arrested in shooting outside early voting site
FLFlorida To save money, Jacksonville Council approves consolidating voting precincts
GAGeorgia Kemp applauds passage of key elections legislation
GUGuam Sen. Respicio will seek to override election reform veto
ILIllinois County clerk to hold routine retabulation of votes
INIndiana Party officials charged in election fraudIndiana Tippecanoe County voting locations set for 2012 primary
MEMaine Fairfield town clerk leaving
MDMaryland Primary day: All hands on deckMaryland Election workers have answers to questions
MAMassachusetts Barre election results delayed
MNMinnesota Voter ID deal clears the way to fall ballotMinnesota Voter ID supporters, opponents trade barbsMinnesota ACLU: No fraud proven in voter ID 'bounty' contest
MOMissouri New voter registration cards mailed out
NENebraska Douglas County Dems: Reopen polling places in November
NJNew Jersey Englewood Cliff's 'whistle-blower' settles suit
OHOhio Stark elections board plans to suspend two employees
PAPennsylvania Coatesville students to work polls
RIRhode Island Secretary of state's office sets voter ID availability
SCSouth Carolina NAACP wants to join SC voter ID lawsuitSouth Carolina Council takes first step in turning elections over to county
TNTennessee Supervisors approve polling location change for Olive Branch
TXTexas Filing targets Texas lawmakers' voter ID communicationsTexas Cities, school districts cancel elections
VAVirginia Felons indicted on voter fraud charges in RichmondVirginia Susan Fitz-Hugh, former Va. board of elections chief, dies
WAWashington Gregoire calls special election to replace Inslee at cost of $700K
WVWest Virginia Secretary of state awards Monroe $7,500 to assist disabled voters
WIWisconsin Elections officials make final preps before Tuesday's electionWisconsin Clerks in Wisconsin have been busy preparing for today's electionWisconsin Tuesday's election poses new challenges for municipalities, votersWisconsin DOJ to monitor Wisconsin elections
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