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Friday April 13, 2012
National NewsNational News No election commissioners? No problemNational News Voting body is leaderless
AKAlaska Counting of 1,800 city votes begins, many questions, many ballots remainAlaska ACLU requests city election records as ballot count continuesAlaska Anchorage Assembly begins tackling municipal election chaos FridayAlaska Unscanned ballots tallied as problems investigated
CACalifornia Every vote counts--excpet when the Post Office is on the brink
COColorado Cherry Hills Village: The case of the missing mail ballots
CTConnecticut Students register to vote in first presidential electionConnecticut Historic first for Conn.: Some 17-year-olds can vote April 24
DCDistrict of Columbia Absentee, provisional ballots to be counted in close council race
FLFlorida Elections supervisor explains voting changes
GUGuam Bordallo asks U.S. Attorney for response to election complaint
INIndiana St. Joseph County election board proposes to overhaul voting systemIndiana Efforts stalled for vote centers in St. Joseph CountyIndiana Access to voter database triggers lawsuit
MDMaryland Mount Airy switches to electronic votingMaryland Council agrees to end staggered elections
MNMinnesota Voter ID a hot topic at Kiel town meetingMinnesota Voter ID foes kick off campaignMinnesota Voter ID would cost county, cities thousands
MSMississippi Voter ID law not expected by November elections
MOMissouri Bidding for St. Charles County election machines on holdMissouri House passes revised voter ID wording
NENebraska U.S. Attorney on polling place controversy
NYNew York County consolidates polling places
OHOhio Election law changes opposedOhio Voter advocacy group asks lawmakers to wait until 2013 for election changes
OKOklahoma No decision on stray ballots, recount in House raceOklahoma Tulsa County could decide who wins House race
PAPennsylvania Religious questions for Pa. voter ID law draw fire
TXTexas State seeks to educate votesr, voter registration cards mailedTexas Hays County to mail new voter registration cards by Friday
USVIUS Virgin Islands Senate committee endorses paper ballots
VAVirginia Botetourt County election worker won't be prosecuted for fraud
WAWashington Secretary Reed has much to do before, after retirementWashington Money for special election not included in budget
WIWisconsin Recount doesn't change outcome of Green Lake board raceWisconsin Election mix-up leads to recount
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