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May 19 - 21, 2012
National NewsNational News Bauer: Voting rights lawsuit in cardsNational News Not registered to vote? They're coming for you
ALAlabama Voting laws 'preclearance' provision upheld on appealAlabama Court upholds key provision of Voting Rights Act, Supreme Court review likelyAlabama Shelby County loses appeal; Voting Rights Act is upheld by federal court
AZArizona New law to change city electionsArizona Secretary of state seeks verification of Obama's citizenship
ARArkansas Election commission ready for primaries
CACalifornia Voter registration deadline looms; official worries of confusion with new primary systemCalifornia First-clas stamp will be enough to get ballot where it should be
CTConnecticut Winstead polling place chosen for state post-election auditConnecticut Familiar face seeks Dem's registrar slot
FLFlorida Florida's elections chiefs stung by state movesFlorida Voters may find fewer polling places in Seminole Heights
GAGeorgia Lengthy ballot set for July
IDIdaho Idaho primary costs have lasting impacts for votersIdaho 34 Ada Co. primary ballots miscountedIdaho Clerk: No need to worry about discrepancies
ILIllinois Board of elections creates emergency plan
KYKentucky Ready for primary day
MEMaine New couple finds time to vote in York after wedding
MSMississippi Analysis: Miss. voter ID law not yet fully funded
MTMontana Missoula elections center open for business
NHNew Hampshire Voter ID bill shows Senate, House divide
NJNew Jersey County Clerk offers one-stop vote-by-mail service
NYNew York Youngstown votes to be recounted
NCNorth Carolina Former felons urged to register and voteNorth Carolina Vote buying allegations surface in Bladen Co.
NDNorth Dakota Polling place dress code may apply this yearNorth Dakota Extra ballots ordered for primary
OHOhio New partnership will help secretary of state cut down on voter fraudOhio State looks to erase dead voters from rolls
SCSouth Carolina Chaotic primary season nears conclusionSouth Carolina Light at the end of the tunnel for troubled primariesSouth Carolina Galloway polling places to change for June primary
TXTexas Voter ID trial still headed for July 9 debateTexas Forth Worth case cited as evidence of voter fraud
VAVirginia McDonnell signs voter ID bill but orders new ID cards sent to every registered voter in Va.Virginia Governor signs bill to send ID cards to registered votersVirginia New Va. voter ID law makes it 'tough to cheat'Virginia Are fall elections in Roanoke's future?
WVWest Virginia New app on state website allows W.Va. voters to track provisional ballots
WIWisconsin Impact of voting residency changes on college studentsWisconsin Timing of recall election not good for the student vote
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