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May 26 - 28, 2012
National NewsNational News Congressional Black Caucus rallies preachers to tackle voter ID law
AKAlaska Board submits election plan to Justice Dept.
AZArizona More Maricopa County residents casting votes early
ARArkansas Review finds 759 votes not counted on election nightArkansas quipment malfunction results in ballot reporting error in Faulkner County
CACalifornia Election changes expected to spike voter turnoutCalifornia Law allows 2 hours off for employees on election dayCalifornia Solano elections office advises vote-by-mail voters to mail ballots earlyCalifornia Elections website upgraded in time for primaryCalifornia New format to shake up June 5 primaryCalifornia Dozens of LA communities still short on poll workers for June primaryCalifornia Voters not exactly in a hurryCalifornia Looming postal cutback worries secretary of state
COColorado Ballot review open only to select parties?
CTConnecticut Job will end for registrar who served nearly 25 years
FLFlorida Pinellas County reduces number of voting precinctsFlorida Manatee GOP candidates for elections supervisor debate voter purgeFlorida Voter purge list appears flawedFlorida Elections supervisor Kathy Dent taking precinct criticisms to heartFlorida Glorioso makes it a 3-way race for supervisor of electionsFlorida Controversy brewing over Gov. Scott's push to purge state's voter rollsFlorida One woman's experience in Florida's targeting of noncitizen votersFlorida Voting precinct map may changeFlorida Davis sworn in as president of Florida State Association of Supervisor of ElectionsFlorida Approval expected for Lee precinct changes
GUGuam Bill 413 not on session agenda
INIndiana Brown County voters to consider voting centers tonight
IAIowa Slockett focusing on making voting accessible
KSKansas Federal judges plan 2-day trial in Kansas remap suit
MIMichigan Disability Network executive: Flint has worked at making polling places more accessible
MOMissouri State high court upholds new Congressional districts
MTMontana Elections office moving to ExpoPark for voter registration rushMontana Voter spots error on ballot
NENebraska County: Phipps' closed meeting legal
NMNew Mexico Dona Ana County voting centers to debut in June electionNew Mexico San Juan County not seeing many early voters in primaries
OHOhio Losing 3 days for early voting, candidates must fine-tune Ohio campaigns
PAPennsylvania Pennsylvania lowers one voter ID hurdle, but for many, other remainPennsylvania Schmotzer supports reform for new voter ID law
RIRhode Island 96 East Providence High School students are new voters
SCSouth Carolina 'In-house' absentee voting to begin Tuesday in AndersonSouth Carolina Atlantic Beach election protests denied
SDSouth Dakota After Gant endorses, questions follow
TNTennessee Cohen calls for investigation into voter history controversyTennessee 'Erased voters' gaffe may force changes by election commissionTennessee Big election changes for area residentsTennessee Cohen investigates voter purgingTennessee Election chief disputes voting histories claim
TXTexas Feds to monitor primary voting in 3 countiesTexas Voters are few before the big dayTexas Texas secretary of state answers voting questions for primariesTexas Primary voters a rare sight at early voting locationsTexas Officials suggest preparing before election dayTexas Boerne regains local control over electionsTexas After early voting mixup, GOP to have poll site in Starr CountyTexas A day after holiday, voters head for polls
UTUtah Election judges bring years of experience to primaries
WVWest Virginia Tennant: Military voters and their families deserve our best efforts
WIWisconsin 110K Wisconsinites requested absentee ballots, voted earlyWisconsin Democratic GOP officials post Facebook photos of their absentee ballots--a felony in Wisconsin
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