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Thursday June 14, 2012
ALAlabama Voting rights groups say Alabama agencies not obeying federal voter registration laws
AZArizona Arizona seeks to keep voter registration ruleArizona Paradise Valley mayor election process up for vote, again
CACalifornia Compton rejects latest vote-by-mail proposalCalifornia Election results tallied, but still more votes to be counted
COColorado Voters should have received primary ballots by now
CTConnecticut Voter reform legislation championed by Slossberg signed into law
FLFlorida Volusia elections chief gets last laugh on 'Daily Show'Florida Florida's voting standoff deja vu?Florida Nearly half of Florida's purged voters in Lee CountyFlorida Legal voters may or may not have been purgedFlorida Depending on timing, Keys might keep current early votingFlorida Scott defends efforts to clear noncitizens from voter rollsFlorida Some Fla. counties aren't suspending purge
GUGuam Election lawsuit dropped, but Dems still pushing for election reform bill override
ILIllinois County board merges six precincts
INIndiana National watchdog group sues Indiana for voter rollsIndiana Public interest group says incorrect data can lead to election fraud
MEMaine State Supreme Court hears arguments in Waldoboro voting lawsuit
MIMichigan Mich. House approves bills to tighten voting lawsMichigan Johnson: Calling reforms voter suppression is 'partisan theatrics' or a misunderstanding
MNMinnesota Voter ID supporters dispute Ramsey Co. election cost estimatesMinnesota Isanti County auditor outlines potential impact of voter IDMinnesota Voting equipment grants awarded
MOMissouri Clerk: Larger voter turnout than expected in special election
MTMontana Absentee ballots are voters' choice
NENebraska Phipps: 27 polling places to reopen
NVNevada Two lawsuits challenge Nevada voting
NYNew York Voter Empowerment Act introduced
NCNorth Carolina NAACP disputes Tillis' 'invitation' to talk voter IDNorth Carolina Protest goes to Raleigh TuesdayNorth Carolina Petition drives mean more work for election workers
NDNorth Dakota ND primary voters turnout 33 percent, hits new highNorth Dakota Secretary of state website: A big hitNorth Dakota Problems at polls leave some people unable to voice their vote
OHOhio All Ohio voters to get absentee ballot applications
OKOklahoma Election officials downplay effect of seventh and final game in NBA finals
SCSouth Carolina National organization picks Clemson professor's voting machinesSouth Carolina Election tally extends deep into the nightSouth Carolina No decision on Vick's vanishing votes until Friday
SDSouth Dakota Only recourse for candidates is court system
TXTexas Recount nets 1 more vote for Brown County candidates, still short of runoffTexas Mark White says Texas voter rules not neededTexas Voting organization files lawsuit against state of TexasTexas Run-off election sites to be combined
VAVirginia Restoring voting rights to convicted felons
WAWashington State won't print Voter's Guide for primary
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