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Tuesday July 3, 2012
Overseas Voting NewsOverseas Voting News Pentagon reverses course on American voters living abroad
AKAlaska Report: Mismanagement, cost-cutting led to botched Anchorage electionAlaska Report blames city ballot woes on inexperience and neglect
ARArkansas Martin replies to voter registration complaint
CACalifornia Vote counting
FLFlorida Conyers calls for hearing to evaluate voter purgeFlorida Administrative challenge to voting rules filedFlorida Fla. election law draws new legal challengeFlorida Elections supervisor conducts food driveFlorida Professor: Voter purge is 'harassment,' 'waste of time'Florida Foreclosure does not forbid voting
ILIllinois City, county say $33.4M to be saved through cooperation
IAIowa Carroll County to purchase new voting system
MDMaryland Redistricting map foes confident in referendum
MIMichigan Elections officials refuse to block ballot question
MNMinnesota Foes of Minn. voter ID push decry question wordingMinnesota Photo ID supporters question Ritchie's opposition to amendment
MOMissouri Polling precincts in Guthrie, Carrington combined
NJNew Jersey Freeholders, elections board in dispute over supervisor
NMNew Mexico Dona Ana County residents confused over voter registration forms mailed by nonprofit groupNew Mexico State police to investigate Espanola voter fraud
NYNew York Election board sets new high in dysfunctionNew York Espaillant calls primary race 'phantom election'
NCNorth Carolina Legislature opts against federal election funds
OHOhio Cuyahoga proposes charter amendment that could lead to fewer open electionsOhio Board of elections changes 3 polling locations in Cleveland HeightsOhio Avon Lake cuts voting precincts
PAPennsylvania Asian American groups criticize voter ID law
SCSouth Carolina Voter ID law nixed again by DOJ
TNTennessee Shelby County active voter list raising concernTennessee More than 200K Hamilton County voters start getting new registration cardsTennessee Dobson fired as elections director
VAVirginia Voter ID town hall meeting
WAWashington Voters encouraged to use 'MyVote' before primary
WVWest Virginia Officials file response in two Lincoln County candidates' suits
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