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August 04 - 6, 2012
National NewsNational News Could tougher voting laws squelch the youth vote?National News In Ohio and elsewhere, battles over state voting laws head to courtNational News Mass voter registration effort criticizedNational News Romney campaign jabs at Obama over voting rights suitNational News Florida, Texas and Alabama challenge 1965 Voting Rights Act
ALAlabama Fight brews over voter ID
AZArizona State judge not buying arguments by foes of open primary ballot measureArizona Election dustups could ruffle Bennett's ambitionsArizona Recorder's office seeks public assistance in tracking early ballots
ARArkansas Election commission chooses Burdette as new 'election central'
CACalifornia UC students push for election-day voter registrationCalifornia Voting by mail jumps, altering campaigns
COColorado Inactive voters won't get mail-in ballots
CTConnecticut Gomes' complaint alleges absentee ballot abuses
FLFlorida Thaxton looks at 2006 election hopes of unseating DentFlorida Polls open early, but more Tampa Bay voters choose the mail-in optionFlorida Florida falls flat when it comes to rules for tracking paper ballots after electionsFlorida Early voting smooth in PBC despite Delray Beach mix-upFlorida Hernando supervisor of elections candidate says he would refuse part of his salaryFlorida Two running for supervisor of electionsFlorida Bennett and three others seek supervisor nominationFlorida Hill Co. woman plaintiff in voter purge lawsuitFlorida Polk gearing up for election
GAGeorgia Alto Park precinct votes retrieved from machineGeorgia Little-known KSU building houses elections nerve centerGeorgia Kemp criticizes Fulton County voting process
HIHawaii Voting machines tested one more time before next week's primary
KSKansas Voter ID questions continueKansas Kobach: Counties seek ways to boost turnout
LALouisiana Registrar to cut inactive voters
MEMaine Augusta voters to try Cony HS as polling place in fall
MIMichigan Write-in votes could slow countMichigan Southfield clerk readies for election
MNMinnesota Polling places changing
MOMissouri Poll workers prepare for primaries
NHNew Hampshire Voter ID law assistance offered
NCNorth Carolina Elections board will debate early voting sites on Monday
OHOhio New state voting laws cause controversy; critics fear turnout will sufferOhio Thousands of ballots are disqualified each year by OhioOhio Summit elections board fine-tunes cuts in polling sites
PAPennsylvania Monroe County prepares for voter ID lawPennsylvania Getting to voter ID centers is a hardship and a haul for low-income elderlyPennsylvania Rendell: Pa. voter ID law 'very serious'Pennsylvania Absentee ballots may offer a way around Pa.'s voter ID lawPennsylvania Size of voter ID budget debatedPennsylvania Survey cites difficulty in getting Pa. voter ID
RIRhode Island RI issues free voter ID's for elections
SCSouth Carolina Concerns about S.C. voting machines
TNTennessee Election attorney says recounts rare, expensiveTennessee Election officials admit to mistake with voter's ballot at Caton's ChapelTennessee Close election results won't automatically be recountedTennessee Vital asks for recount after ballot counting errorTennessee Election officials walk fine line between donations, being fair
TXTexas State to appeal federal ruling blocking some registration rules
VAVirginia Va. board to meet on voter mailings
WAWashington Pierce County says a few voters' pamphlets are incompleteWashington New ballot drop boxes for late voters
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