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Friday August 10, 2012
National NewsNational News Study shows voters with disabilities face access barriersNational News Civil rights groups release new voter protection app
ALAlabama Voter registration hoax spreads online
AZArizona Pima County mailing sample primary ballots early to alert voters to polling place changesArizona Preparations underway for primaryArizona County cuts back poll sites by a thirdArizona More early voting equals fewer polling places
ARArkansas SOS spokesman remarks trigger small political firestorm
CTConnecticut Conn. GOP says it's suing over top ballot lineConnecticut Postcards give some voters wrong directionsConnecticut Woodstock polling place doubles as food collection site
FLFlorida Florida releases list of possible ineligible votersFlorida State releases 'obsolete' list of possible noncitizen votersFlorida Feds demand voter-purge info from Florida countiesFlorida Florida election law challenge getting a hearingFlorida Attack ads slam PBC's election supervisor as 'untrained'Florida More than 1K out-of-state ballots for Martin, Indian River counties get hung up at post officeFlorida Elections supervisors respond to demand for documentsFlorida PBC's Bucher among supervisors to get federal subpoena in dispute over state voter purgeFlorida Ballot-fraud probe embroils commissioner's aide, former Hialeah mayor's uncle
GAGeorgia Fulton County's recount also drawing state's attentionGeorgia Election day smooth process for Paulding voters
HIHawaii With election days away, a resignation and sickness hit Hawaii County clerk's officeHawaii Procedures for absentee ballots changedHawaii Long lines at early voting sites
IAIowa Activists, some Democrats criticize Iowa's voter purgeIowa Schultz started voter eligibility check without notice
KSKansas Voter ID successKansas Computer problems interfere with early morning votingKansas Elections officials say up to 87 voters received wrong ballots at polling placeKansas Questions about election still being voicedKansas Ensley won't serve on board of canvassers
LALouisiana Inactive voters rolls will not be publishedLouisiana Secretary of state putting face on office
MAMassachusetts Only Mass. sent out voter registrations after lawsuitMassachusetts Mansfield selectman backs voter ID question
MIMichigan Muskegon Chronicle anzlyes 'crossover' ballotsMichigan Candidate wants recount after losing by 26 votesMichigan Secretary of state calls election a success
MNMinnesota Fine print within photo ID proposal looms largeMinnesota Election judges prepare for primary voting
MOMissouri Carnahan public legacy to end in January?Missouri Prosecutor seeks to remove clerk for nepotism
NHNew Hampshire Errant get-out-the-vote mailings from national group make it to New Bedford
NMNew Mexico Voter purge postcards sent to active votersNew Mexico Secretary of state's voter roll cleanup targets 'shocked' voting rights advocate
NYNew York Counties' election costs soarNew York BOE says it performed well in problematic June primaryNew York Rochester council gives polling places OK
NCNorth Carolina Elections office emphasizes early-voting needs
OHOhio Committee moves forward on BOE budgetOhio Ohio voters can now go online to state website to update home address
PAPennsylvania Voter ID law is now obviously 'morally indefensible'Pennsylvania Some Pa. Hall of Fame voters at risk of ineligibility
TNTennessee Federal lawsuit filed challenging Tennessee's voter ID law as unconstitutionalTennessee Shelby County election commission focuses on next election
VAVirginia Candidate seeks to halt ballot printingVirginia SBE IDs 10K dead people on voter rollsVirginia 10K deceased voters found on Virginia rollsVirginia Roanoke considering plan to consolidate polling places
WAWashington Vote counting continues
WIWisconsin Senate recount cost taxpayers $5400Wisconsin Clerk addresses poll issue at training
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