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September 08 - 10, 2012
National NewsNational News Tight election may be tangled in legal battlesNational News Vote changes spark duelNational News Voter registration drives adopting new methods
ALAlabama Arbela clerk responds to election allegationsAlabama State AG, secretary of state to remain vigilant on voter fraud
AKAlaska Anchorage lawmakers consider election law changes
AZArizona Top-two primary can be on ballot, state's high court rules
CACalifornia Mexican man admits to voter fraudCalifornia Online voter registration coming before November electionCalifornia Citizens' group on lookout for voter fraud
COColorado Probe confirms 141 non-citizens registered to voteColorado Secretary of state challenges citizenship of 10 area votersColorado Gessler, two county clerks targeted with lawsuit over 'election from hell'
CTConnecticut New London registrars to audit voting machines WednesdayConnecticut 'Missing ballots' take center stage in primary election hearingConnecticut Hartford's November election could be in jeopardy
FLFlorida Florida voters facing a long, long ballot in NovemberFlorida Voided rule prompts voter-registration pushFlorida Local church, county elections office plan voter registration driveFlorida Budget forces Hernando County elections chief to reduce early votingFlorida Commissioner's aide accused of trading favors for absentee ballots
HIHawaii Hawaii County sued over alleged defamation, mismanagement in clerk's office
IDIdaho State voter's guide isn't subject to edits, fact-checking
ILIllinois DuPage County taxpayers will save nearly $600K thanks to election commission's shared services
INIndiana Goshen to test new vote centers next spring
IAIowa Voting barriers still in IowaIowa Programs to focus on voter fraud
KYKentucky Secretary of state heads to Middle East to review military voting
LALouisiana Secretary of state defends inactive-voter list
MAMassachusetts Guidelines for poll observers requested in Worcester
MIMichigan Secretary of state kicks off mobile campus registrationMichigan Secretary of state keeping citizen check-off box
MNMinnesota Photo ID edict could hit 215K Minnesota voters
NVNevada Online voter registration is available all across Nevada
NYNew York Allegany County discusses taking over Wellsville electionsNew York Voting concerns arise ahead of election season
NCNorth Carolina 90-year-old Raleigh man pleaded guilty to voting fraud charge
OHOhio Absentee ballot plan eases voting, but increases risk for mistakesOhio Elections chief cancels order on early votingOhio Husted rescinds order blocking early voting hours
OKOklahoma Unofficial recount confirms Tulsa County clerk election results
OROregon No chance for voter fraud, elections chief saysOregon SOS candidate visits Astoria, touts views
PAPennsylvania Voter ID law set for review by state Supreme CourtPennsylvania Pa.'s lawyers argue to uphold voter ID lawPennsylvania Lawmaker proposes 'Voter ID Days'Pennsylvania As other states move to early voting or online registration, Pa. puts off actionPennsylvania Judge hears arguments on cameras in polling places
RIRhode Island Time is short to obtain free voter ID before primary
SCSouth Carolina Jackson urges state to drop challenge to voter ID ruling
TNTennessee Administrator of elections issue to be brought up once again tonightTennessee Voting locations change in Olive Branch, Southaven
TXTexas Groups use voter ID as a tool to raise money, awarenessTexas Voter ID for upcoming electionsTexas Ballot review shows no irregularities in 2010 council election results
USVIUS Virgin Islands Primary election Q&A
VAVirginia Changes coming to Virginia voting booths
WVWest Virginia Getting ready for big election
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