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Friday September 21, 2012
National NewsNational News Deadlines approaching for ballot mailing, voter registration and litigationNational News Voter ID laws provoking black women to turn out voters
New JereseyNew Jeresey Ventnor election results upheld in court
PennslyvaniaPennslyvania Voter ID law up in the airPennslyvania Questions abound at voter ID law forum in HarrisburgPennslyvania Hearing set for Pa. voter ID lawPennslyvania Montco to issue voter IDs through nursing homePennslyvania Pa. waives license-forfeiture rule for some college students wanting to vote
ALAlabama Lawsuit contests Tuskegee election results
ARArkansas November ballots going out to military, overseas voters
CACalifornia Group meets with county registrar about voter fraudCalifornia Monterey County begins online voter registrationCalifornia OC registrar continues prepping for November election
FLFlorida LWV launches new voter hotlineFlorida Revised try at purging noncitizen voters draws legal fireFlorida Special election could cost $183KFlorida Hialeah absentee ballot scandal attraces FBI
HIHawaii Council to hold special session to discuss lawsuits
IDIdaho Ysura says 'absolutely no truth' to claim Obama has ordered U.S. votes counted in SpainIdaho Idaho Supreme Court hears election dispute case
INIndiana Clark elections board rejects abotu 2 dozen absentee ballot applicationsIndiana Plea deal reached in voting fraud case
IAIowa Voting wars flare up across U.S.Iowa Three Iowans charged wtih voter fraud; all are permanent residents, but not citizensIowa Armstrong to have satellite voting stationIowa Campaigns preparing for eletction challengs
LALouisiana Strickland addresses Rotary on voting process
MAMassachusetts New Mansfield town clerk ready for election seasonMassachusetts State to oversee November election in East Longmeadow
MIMichigan Citizenship box dispute intensifiesMichigan Coalition asks judge to prohibit voter application checkboxes
MOMissouri Missouri's 87th District preps for special electionMissouri Schoeller, Kander spend big in secretary of state race
NHNew Hampshire Compromise sought on NH voter registration lawNew Hampshire Judge sets Friday deadline for voter registration agreementNew Hampshire Portsmouth poll worker: Councilor Kennedy's comments out of line
NYNew York Close race goes before judgeNew York Headaches at the polls for Queens votersNew York Glen Oaks votes limited by polling site changesNew York Prior to November, council members say voting issues remain a concern
NCNorth Carolina Analysis: More than 60K teenage voters added to rolls through pre-registration
OHOhio Latest facts on absentee ballots, early voting and provisional ballotsOhio Ohio lawmaker's quest to fight voter disenfranchisementOhio Colley quits local elections boardOhio Husted was aware of conflict of interest when voting on ballot issueOhio Judge to hear arguments in firing of two Democratic officials
SCSouth Carolina ew voter ID law should be rejected, ACLU director saysSouth Carolina Clyburn to hold National Voter Registration Day event in Columbia
TNTennessee Shelby County election administrator faces suspension
TXTexas GOP accuses Dallas County of partisan voter driveTexas Judge halts part of efforts to purge dead votersTexas Judge orders Texas to halt purge of suspected dead votersTexas County voters receive letters asking if they're alive or dead
USVIUS Virgin Islands Seven candidates file primary complaints
WAWashington Secretary of state candidates cite need for election reformsWashington County sending 4K ballots overseas
WIWisconsin Election officials launch online ballots for overseas military voters
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