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Wednesday October 24, 2012
NationalNational Hundreds of thousands of Latinos may be deterred from votingNational Post-election audits necessary for electronic voting systems
ALAlabama Alabama to seek stiffer voter fraud penaltiesAlabama Shelby County circuit clerk getting incorrect absentee voting applications
AKAlaska National tribal group raises concern with Alaska over voter ID lawsAlaska Voting integrity group is critical of email voting in Alaska
AZArizona More Maricopa County election materials have errors
CACalifornia California voter registration website draws 1 million usersCalifornia Voter registration mysteryCalifornia Write-in option on San Diego ballot a mistake
COColorado Voter reports faulty voting machine cast wrong voteColorado Voting machine pulled after malfunctionColorado Arapahoe County voters assured all ballots will be countedColorado 300 more suspected noncitizens on voter rolls in 2nd round of checksColorado New ethics complaint filed over Gessler's acceptance of donationsColorado Voters sent wrong ballot, problem addressedColorado 'I Voted' sticker in Arapahoe County mail may rub some the wrong wayColorado Free pizza, t-shirts spawn elections complaint
DCDistrict of Columbia Nearly 1,100 have already voted in D.C.
FLFlorida Long lines expected to lead to Election Day delaysFlorida Sancho shows feds bogus mailFlorida Time running out for PBC waiting to get absentee ballotsFlorida PBC vote duplicating underwayFlorida Ballots delivered with postage or notFlorida Polk overseas ballots safeFlorida Extra postage needed for absentee ballots Illinois:
INIndiana Groups assisting voters who need photo IDsIndiana Voters purged by mistakeIndiana Vote centers lack convenience for studentsIndiana More than 50 Monroe County absentee ballots not delivered
IAIowa Ballot security under scrutiny in close electionIowa Scanners check early Polk County votersIowa Voting event for disabled raises concerns with some parents
KYKentucky Initiative to combat voter fraud announcedKentucky Secretary of state looks to head off pills for votes
LALouisiana Records set in Louisiana's first day of early votingLouisiana Group of elderly, disabled say they were not accommodated during early voting
MEMaine More Maine voters choose absentee, early voting Maryland:
MAMassachusetts Lynn election ballots have two pages, two languages
MIMichigan Kentwood company makes elections happenMichigan East Lansing clerk gets OK to witness stamped ballot signature
MNMinnesota Nation's racial legacy shapes Minnesota's voter ID debateMinnesota Students concerned about voter IDMinnesota Native Americans and voter ID: Is there a problem?Minnesota Steele County says voter ID could cost it $100K
MSMississippi Hosemann: Voter ID not required in Nov.Mississippi Biloxi council differs on if Voting Rights Act still relevant today
MOMissouri Schoeller to push for voter ID law during Springfield stumpMissouri Phelps Center to act as polling location Montana:
NENebraska District election officer named for Nebraska
NHNew Hampshire Anonymous mailings frustrate NH clerks
NJNew Jersey Board of elections cautions against misinformationNew Jersey Federal judge denies newspapers access to voters leaving polling places
NMNew Mexico Voter glitch problem partially solved
NYNew York Defeated candidate seeks new vote North Carolina:
OKOklahoma Oklahoma voters prepare for Election Day Oregon:
PAPennsylvania Some counties may ask to see ID on Election DayPennsylvania Federal official to oversee election
PRPuerto Rico First Circuit Court rules to preserve order in Puerto Rico elections
TXTexas Camp County to reprint ballots--againTexas County elections office dials up helpTexas Texas AG warns international election observersTexas More than 9,000 in El Paso County cast ballots on first day of early votingTexas Bexar replaces service member's ballot lost in Afghanistan crashTexas Curbside voting helps ensure more are heardTexas Corpus Christi gets wrong ballot, misses out on city electionTexas Election officials worried about soldiers' vote
UTUtah Disability advocates labor to ensure Utah polling places are accessible Virginia:
WAWashington Some voters receive two ballots due to registration changesWashington Appellate court rules: No secrecy in ballot signatures
WIWisconsin Elections board keeps distance rules in placeWisconsin GAB: Milwaukee voter registration eligibility problem corrected
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