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Wednesday November 21, 2012
AZArizona Bennett: Early ballots should be processed fasterArizona County supervisors approve election canvasArizona Supervisors reject request for special hand ballot auditArizona Bennett wants other counties to take Yavapai's lead with voting centers
CACalifornia Riverside County supervisors order study on ways to speed up tallyCalifornia Replacement of county voting machines suggestedCalifornia Every ballot is now talliedCalifornia County registrar continues general election ballot countCalifornia Officials hope for final Monterey County count by Wednesday
CTConnecticut Cheshire voting districts chosen for presidential election auditConnecticut Norwich to participate in state election recountConnecticut Merrill: 75 precincts to be audited
DEDelaware Director says technology helped ease Election Day hassles
FLFlorida Ken Detzner seeks 'solutions' not blame to fix electionsFlorida West's concession won't end troubles for St. Lucie County electionsFlorida Suspended Madison County elections chief asking judge to dismiss chargesFlorida New Senate president: Elections will be improved
GAGeorgia Elections director presented Five Star employee award
ILIllinois Absentee ballots reverse county board result; recount to be sought
KSKansas Students picket secretary of state
LALouisiana Early voting begins Saturday for Dec. 8 runoff elections
MIMichigan State: Troy must have February election to pick mayor
MNMinnesota GOP likes judge's fix for ballot mistakesMinnesota 35 votes to be thrown out in Alexandria-area House race
MSMississippi Tupelo-native named assistant secretary of state, elections division
NJNew Jersey State extends vote countNew Jersey Election to be certified todayNew Jersey Slammed by Sandy, N.J. counties seek more time to count ballots
NYNew York At trial, voter disavows ballot
NCNorth Carolina Congressional hopeful seeks recount in NC 7th
OHOhio Cuyahoga County elections chief Jane Platten to take job at county prosecutor officeOhio Commission candidate says errors made in provisional ballot processOhio Lorain County BOE rejects ballots, will review fraudOhio Another 993 votes will be counted by BOEOhio Why did 81 voters cast ballots twiceOhio Walton woman wins city council race coin toss, then gives up jobOhio Elections board approves 8,439 provisional ballotsOhio Provisional ballots don't affect resultsOhio 19 absentee ballots cast by jail inmates rejected over delivery personOhio Henrietta Township man accused of voting twiceOhio Ross County BOE reviews voting issues
OKOklahoma Loser wants new election in Oklahoma House raceOklahoma Cleveland County vote still not decidedOklahoma Election hearing continued
PAPennsylvania Audit of Philadelphia election process plannedPennsylvania Philadelphia controller says he'll audit 2012 electionPennsylvania After provisional-ballot controversy, Butkovitz wants to audit electionPennsylvania Bucks, Montco reject 70 percent of provisional ballots
RIRhode Island R.I. board of elections wants to purchase new voting machinesRhode Island Board discusses polling place problemsRhode Island More training proposed for poll workers
SCSouth Carolina Richland's Election Mess: 5 key unanswered questions, day 5South Carolina The great Richland County election debacle of 2012South Carolina Benjamin expresses 'concern', 'frustration' in letter to BOESouth Carolina Richland Co. hiring procedures under scrutiny after election debacle
SDSouth Dakota Yankton Co. officials use election success to plan for the future
TNTennessee Nov. 6 election in Hamilton County cost over $280KTennessee Chattanooga Democrats air complaints about electionTennessee Election commission secretary objects to naming building after former administratorTennessee Favors, Smith cite Election Day issues
TXTexas Voting complaints vetoed at state levelTexas Andrade resigns as Texas secretary of state
USVIUS Virgin Islands Outcome unchanged on St. Croix after board finishes counting votesUS Virgin Islands St. Thomas-St. John board rules on provisional ballots
UTUtah Canvass confirms Weber County election resultsUtah Final tally confirms Davis County election results
VAVirginia Paper ballots in Prince William County?Virginia Board OKs commission to improve election efficiencyVirginia Fairfax County approves commission to review election
WAWashington Okanogann officials plan election recount
WVWest Virginia Morgantown City council drops 'vote by mail' program
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