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Friday November 30, 2012
ALAlabama Uncertified recount changes little in clerk raceAlabama Montgomery County election center director bids farewell to take new position with state
AZArizona State turns down county proposal to do ballot scans
CACalifornia Recount effort moving forward; cost estimate could be generated todayCalifornia Election officials tally stray ballots
COColorado El Paso County election canvas complete
DCDistrict of Columbia No more residency requirement for DC ballot petition circulators?
FLFlorida North Florida election fraud hearing delayedFlorida Florida Democrats file bills to increase early voting hours
GAGeorgia State elections board chides Thomson mayorGeorgia What does the board of elections do during downtime?Georgia Charges against former city elections official sent to attorney general for investigation
ILIllinois Lawmakers change Christmas Eve election quirk
IAIowa Elections chief softens voter removal rules
KSKansas Vote certified amid debate on voter ID lawKansas Kobach defends photo ID to vote
MIMichigan Johnson seeks to block ballot initiatives by special interestsMichigan Troy's deadline to agree to special election or get sued is today
MNMinnesota Judge orders removal of 35 ballots
MOMissouri Door says iPad contributed to 'smooth' election
MTMontana Voter ID law pushed by state lawmaker
NJNew Jersey NJ county election board finally get ballots to add up
NMNew Mexico Election boss counted on best cases
NYNew York County to look at storage dealsNew York Focus shifts as sides clash in ballot trial
NCNorth Carolina No changes in outcome following official vote canvasNorth Carolina Hand-to-eye recount begins in Senate race
OHOhio 1.6M Ohioans cast early ballotsOhio Precinct boundaries adjusted in some towns
OROregon Election worker in Oregon indicted in ballot-tampering case
SCSouth Carolina Richland County election investigation: Not enough voting machinesSouth Carolina Report on Richland Co. election system failures expected soonSouth Carolina Richland Co. election commission has power to fire McBrideSouth Carolina Interim Richland County election report due Wednesday
TNTennessee Election results have been tossed before
UTUtah GOP still has questions about discarded ballots
VTVermont Election audit attests to accuracy of optical scanners
WAWashington Secretary of state decries political polarization
WIWisconsin Groups fight to save same-day registration
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