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December 01 - 3, 2012
National NewsNational News Voter ID crusade continues into 2013: Four to watchNational News Is the Voting Rights Act outdated?
ILIllinois Young ready to retire from public dutyIllinois Man who lost Kane election by 13 votes wants recount
INIndiana Voter acknowledgement cards to be mailed
IAIowa Judge will rule 'soon' on Iowa voter rights lawsuit
KYKentucky Beshear: No need to remove Republican David Cross from elections board
LALouisiana Early voting draws few takers locally
MEMaine ACLU asks Maine for a voter intimidation probe
MAMassachusetts Seekonk High will stay as town's sole poll site
MIMichigan Candidate who won, then lost asking for recountMichigan Johnson sues Troy over special election of mayor
MNMinnesota Group claims voter fraud doomed voter ID amendment
MSMississippi Voter fraud conviction upheld against Tunica woman
MOMissouri Spending for election iPads paid off in saved time, says Franklin County clerk
NENebraska Oxide Design, Nebraskans for Civic Reform team up for voting rightsNebraska Lincoln Co. youth honored for election service
NJNew Jersey Post-Sandy issues continue
NMNew Mexico Bernalillo County discovers uncounted ballotsNew Mexico Bernalillo County election workers tally unopened ballots
NYNew York Ballot fraud old Troy game, former clerk tells trial jury
OHOhio Election law expert outlines lessons of 2012
OKOklahoma Lawsuit in Oklahoma House race is postponed
PAPennsylvania Old Forge woman oversees grassroots election process
SCSouth Carolina More uncounted votes discoveredSouth Carolina More votes found in Richland CountySouth Carolina Photo ID for voting required in JanuarySouth Carolina Richland elections director must go, legislators say
TNTennessee Why the wait at some Knox County spots? Election Day lines explained
USVIUS Virgin Islands Federal audit of VI elections system delayed by Abramson's absence
UTUtah GOP won't contest Matheson win, but wants election reforms
VAVirginia Legislators debate early voting
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