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Wednesday February 6, 2013
National NewsNational News Problem at the polls in 2008National News 3 Questions: Charles Stewart ranks the voting systems in the 50 statesNational News 'We have to fix that': Obama will push voting rightsNational News Scholars urge Supreme Court to keep Voting Rights Act provisionsNational News Lost votes, problem ballots, long waits? Flaws are widespread, study finds
ALAlabama Study finds flaws in election systems across nation, Alabama in bottom five
AZArizona Committee narrowly endorses bill on purging early voter listsArizona Valley groups come together calling for a new, streamlined, updated voting systemArizona Bill would change early voting rules
CACalifornia SLO decides on special election fro $62K
FLFlorida Collier County elections office conducts student electionsFlorida Commission wants absentee ballot fraud recommendations passedFlorida GOP proposal: Give governor power to remove county election supervisorsFlorida Deerfield candidate drops plan to collect absentee ballotsFlorida Expansion of Lee County early voting sites in the works
GAGeorgia Fulton County disputes vote tampering allegationsGeorgia Georgia: Feds delaying access to immigration databaseGeorgia Pew: Georgia had average election performance in '08 and '10
ILIllinois Quinn's state of state to call for online voter registrationIllinois D181 leaders question safety of using schools as polling places
INIndiana Votes of out-of-state students are at riskIndiana Mayor pleads guilty to electioneering in voter fraud case
IAIowa Supervisors consider precinct changesIowa Iowa saw high voter turnout in 2012
MEMaine Voter ID law not recommended by independent election panelMaine Maine panel rejects voter IDs, backs early voting
MDMaryland Bill would require voter ID, increase penalties for voter fraud
MAMassachusetts Hingham town clerk urges rescheduling of town's annual election
MIMichigan East Lansing City Council: Landlords must provide voter registration info and forms to new tenants
MNMinnesota Auditor issues a 'no decision' against Ritchie and LindseyMinnesota Pew study identifies Minnesota among states with best election administration performance
MOMissouri Legislative black caucus opposes photo ID legislationMissouri Democrat Senator says photo voter ID bill is like 'Groundhog Day'Missouri House panel adopts voter photo ID requirementMissouri Missouri's voter ID bill inspires pushback over 'voter suppression'
MTMontana To vote absentee, re-register now
NHNew Hampshire Advocates try to kill voter ID bill before it's fully implementedNew Hampshire Supporters, opponents of voter ID repeal speak out at hearing
NMNew Mexico Bill allowing 17-year-olds to vote in NM primaries moves ahead
NYNew York NY ranks among worst in nation at running elections
NCNorth Carolina Commissioners bump elections payNorth Carolina Lenoir County BOE petitions to get their director fired
NDNorth Dakota North Dakota among top states for voting performance
OHOhio Heat steps up in voter fraud investigationOhio Winbush first black to serve on Mahoning elections board
PAPennsylvania Blair officials recognize passing of elections directorPennsylvania Cancer claims life of Blair County director of electionsPennsylvania Nutter wants to hear about Election Day problems
SCSouth Carolina County may get control of electionsSouth Carolina Educating public on new photo ID lawSouth Carolina Early voting bill advances in Senate committeeSouth Carolina Election bill details unclear, but generally well-receivedSouth Carolina Dems say GOP early voting bill has problems
TNTennessee Supreme Court to hear arguments on voter ID
TXTexas Williamson County mulls switch to vote centers, ending paper ballotsTexas County considering moving early voting locationsTexas First and only election administrator set to retire
UTUtah Bill to change threshold for election recounts advances
VAVirginia House passes Cole bill to limit voter IDVirginia Va. bill would change voter ID requirementsVirginia Preliminary hearing on voter fraud case delayed again
WAWashington Slew of bills target voting process in Washington
WIWisconsin Wisconsin consistently near top in the nation for elections
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