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Wednesday February 13, 2013
National NewsNational News Nelson bill aims to shorten Election Day linesNational News Obama announces new panel to examine electionsNational News First lady hosts 102-year-old determined voterNational News Obama's options on voting rights and delaysNational News Obama, Nelson join push to rein in long voting linesNational News Obama proposes commission to address long lines at polls
AZArizona Bill blocks groups from submitting ballot batchesArizona Democratic senator wants feds to monitor three election bills
ARArkansas Election commission hires director
CACalifornia Bill would require polling places on college campusesCalifornia New Contra Costa registrar of voters will be former assemblyman
CTConnecticut West Haven council plans to spend $5K on redistricting help
FLFlorida Time limits for people votingFlorida Council president supports plan to spend election savingsFlorida After 2012 election foul-up, Nelson floats 1-hour voting Georgia
INIndiana Elkhart County Dems host meeting on voting centers
IAIowa Panel hears criticism over voter ID proposalIowa Satellite stations allow early voting in Linn County electionIowa County considers voting centers for upcoming local elections
KSKansas Mah re-engages with Kobach on voter fraudKansas Kobach tells lawmakers he should have ability to prosecute voter fraud
KYKentucky Kentucky has high felony disenfranchisement rate
MAMassachusetts AG says voter ID bylaw can't apply to Bellingham town electionsMassachusetts Voters will head to Walpole polls three times this spring
MIMichigan State ranks high for elections performanceMichigan Rep. Miller opposes voting reforms
MNMinnesota Minneapolis' mayoral race puts ranked-choice voting system to test
MOMissouri Missouri House to debate voter ID billMissouri County clerk appointed to statewide commission
NHNew Hampshire Groups backing repeal of voter ID provisions cite cost
NJNew Jersey Law allows test counties to eliminate county election officials
NMNew Mexico Special election costs big bucks
NYNew York Catsimatidis funds lawsuit to stop board of elections coup
NDNorth Dakota Voter ID amendment survives debate in House
OKOklahoma Home is where the vote is
SCSouth Carolina Attorney will recommend longer poll hours for Richland County
TNTennessee Sevier election office gets flood of voter registrations on last day
TXTexas Critics: Proposed voting centers for Georgetown are too remote for many
VAVirginia Is voter ID contingency clause in jeopardy?Virginia "No go' for no-excuse absentee votingVirginia McDonnell statement on failure of felon voting rights restoration billVirginia House subcommittee blocks election reformsVirginia Complaints of smoky smell prompt change in Lynchburg polling place
WAWashington Teens may get vote-registration privilege as House committee narrowly nods supportWashington Voting Rights Act passes committee
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