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Friday March 8, 2013
AKAlaska Alaska election official takes issue with Begich speech
AZArizona Conservative Latino rep considers run for secretary of stateArizona Controversial ballot bill clears committeeArizona Democrats, advocates raise red flags over GOP election bills
ARArkansas McDaniel unveils election reform proposalsArkansas AG unveils election reform package
CACalifornia Most of Solano County opts for even-year elections
COColorado Election watcher wants Boulder County to stop using a ballot envelope sorting machine
FLFlorida North Miami Beach tinkers with election scheduleFlorida Maitland ballot weighed down by 29 charter amendments
GAGeorgia Democrats take aim on elections board
HIHawaii Legislature considering allowing election-day registration
ILIllinois Early voting on rise in countyIllinois Pols: Remove polling places from schools
INIndiana Vote center ballot delayed
IAIowa Schultz thinks Linn voter imposter makes case for voter IDIowa Legislative committee mulls voter purge rule
MDMaryland Outdated machines won't be replaced before 2014 electionMaryland Use of old voting machines angers state senatorsMaryland Same-day voting bill gets Maryland Senate nodMaryland Senate adds extra early voting center to billMaryland Bill would make electioneering rules consistent across polling places
MNMinnesota Rice County electronic voting test scheduledMinnesota Voter fraud prosecution of woman, 86, raises questions
MSMississippi Nice, honest barber used business to leader in voter registration efforts
MOMissouri House bill could move sex offenders out of regular polling places
MTMontana Planning ahead to 2014
NENebraska Voter ID debate rages in Neb. committee hearingNebraska Lawmakers revisit voter ID bill
NJNew Jersey Idea of third voting district rejectedNew Jersey Pohatcong mayor speaks out against early voting billsNew Jersey Election Day would become two weeks long under Dem bill
NMNew Mexico Straight-ticket balloting option clears NM SenateNew Mexico Lawmakers tackle Rio Rancho Election Day fiascoNew Mexico Lawsuit claims voter suppression in Rio RanchoNew Mexico Activists demand that city clerk accept unsigned ballots
NYNew York Bronx offers case study over future of Voting ActNew York New electronic poll books to be unveiled for Fredonia election Monday
NCNorth Carolina NAACP claims voter ID same as poll taxNorth Carolina State NAACP vows to fight any effort to require voter IDNorth Carolina Rep. Goodman files voter ID billNorth Carolina Region Democrats float voter ID compromise
OHOhio Changing faces of Seneca board of electionsOhio Lake County elections board brings back Janet Clair in part-time roleOhio Hamilton County BOE employee fired for looking for love
PAPennsylvania Consolidation of Northumberland County voting sites is postponed
RIRhode Island RI elections board takes up legislative package and 'personnel matter' Monday
TNTennessee Bishop keeps eye on voting processTennessee Voter ID bill delayed, but Memphis library photo IDs rejectedTennessee Hamilton County election commission to study write-in candidatesTennessee College ID voting bill delayed
TXTexas Andrade is named as Texas Workforce Commissioner
VAVirginia Fairfax GOP fighting to get von Spakovsky back on election board
WAWashington House OKs extending online voter registrationWashington House backs revamping election laws
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