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May 04 - 6, 2013
ALAlabama Bill makes voting easier for Alabama's first responders
ARArkansas Voter ID rule part of new election laws
CACalifornia Adams recall election could cost Marin taxpayers $250K
COColorado Sharp discord marks vote on election reform
FLFlorida Legislature passes bill to extend early votingFlorida Longwood man arrested on charge of voter fraudFlorida Supervisor of elections to offer early voting as 'trial' run during special electionFlorida Big Lots site is the choice for elections supervisor officeFlorida Elections bill heads to Gov. Scott for signatureFlorida More early voting days OK'd, but probably not in ManateeFlorida Fla. lawmakers approve overhaul of state's problem-ridden voting processFlorida Special election canceledFlorida Attorneys for man accused f voter fraud blame elections supervisorFlorida Early voting in Destin begins
GUGuam GEC: Release reserve funds or we'll run out of money
ILIllinois Election officials recount mayor votesIllinois Ex-mayor, alderman want votes reviewedIllinois Poll sites closed and consolidated
IAIowa Secretary of State Schultz explains stance on voter IDIowa New electronic poll books program to debut in Scott County
KSKansas Kansas SOS close to expanded power on election fraud
MDMaryland Candidate drops out, Snow Hill election canceled
MIMichigan Tuesday's ballot applications will have new citizenship questionMichigan State launches training resource for election officialsMichigan State launches online tools for elections clerks
MNMinnesota Election bill takes shape in House, Senate
NJNew Jersey Five GOP candidates seeking ballot spot for county clerkNew Jersey Healy calls foul on Fulop mail-in ballot applications
NYNew York Rep. Maffei on early voting: 'Let's do it' in New York
NCNorth Carolina Possible voter fraud under investigationNorth Carolina Change expected on board of electionsNorth Carolina Cabarrus elections gets new director
OHOhio Mingo church ready for election day appetites
OROregon Marion County's first remote ballot drop box opens in Keizer Pennsylvania
RIRhode Island Mollis 'strongly considering' run for lieutenant governor
SCSouth Carolina Botched Richland election cost taxpayers nearly $153K in legal feesSouth Carolina Issues surface with Richland election director finalistsSouth Carolina Richland County's election mess notches $150K in legal feesSouth Carolina 'I Voted?' Documentary examines SC's voting system
TNTennessee Election commissioners sworn inTennessee Tieche on the hot seat at election commission
TXTexas Texas has much at stake in voting rights ruling
UTUtah Cottonwood Heights goes to mail-only voting for municipal elections
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