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Tuesday May 21, 2013
National NewsNational News Democrats strike back at GOP voting measuresNational News As Supreme Court weighs Voting Rights Act changes, no racial gap in voting problemsNational News Group fighting voter fraud among those waiting on IRS
CACalifornia Republican group claims voter fraud on eve of electionsCalifornia Elections officials debunk claims of voter fraudCalifornia San Bernardino seeks county oversight in recall electionCalifornia Vote-by-mail breaks a record, but participation still low
FLFlorida North Miami Beach runoff election may be judge's hands
HIHawaii No agreement on election-day registration
IDIdaho Court clerk explains Eagle's confusing voter map
KSKansas Two more staff members needed, elections chief tells commissioners
MEMaine Effort to change early voting in Maine kept alive by House voteMaine Enhanced early voting? Maine a few votes short
MDMaryland Former candidate calls for Montgomery County election changesMaryland Rising Sun moves to electronic ballots, election board has new faces
MNMinnesota Legislature approves 'excuse free' absentee voting Mississippi
MOMissouri Another legislative session, and still no action on early voting
NVNevada Secretary of state hit with public records lawsuit
NJNew Jersey Asbury Park election results stand after provisional ballot count
NYNew York Old voting machines on verge of a comeback?New York Federal judge orders Dutchess BOE to register college studentsNew York Dutchess college students win voting rights settlement in federal court
NCNorth Carolina Landdrum prepping for November election
OHOhio Officials: Elections board to stay putOhio Missing votes to be added to election results todayOhio Senate puts brakes on plan to link in-state tuition to voting
OKOklahoma Voter files challenge in Rogers County vote
PAPennsylvania Primary election questions answeredPennsylvania Washington County elections going paperless after todayPennsylvania Running a primary: This is how democracy worksPennsylvania Voter ID requested, not required at polls todayPennsylvania Photo ID flap not in play at polls todayPennsylvania Yes and no on voter IDPennsylvania Voters will be asked to show ID, but can refusePennsylvania Go vote...and don't expect linesPennsylvania Chance of rain, thunderstorms on muggy election dayPennsylvania Camp Hill eyes dropping band room as polling placePennsylvania Election supervisor prepares for last electionPennsylvania Hanover could leave selectman seat open in effort to save moneyPennsylvania Judges, inspectors set for electionPennsylvania Election officials prepare for primariesPennsylvania Safety concerns limit polling choicesPennsylvania School prompts change in polling location
SCSouth Carolina Richland County council may decide today whether to pay elections lawyer
TXTexas Controversial Williamson County elections administrator leaves for Georgia jobTexas Challenger petitions for a recount of votes in water district election
UTUtah Group pushing for primary election
VAVirginia W&M law students draft report on 2012 election delays
WVWest Virginia Voting precinct consolidation plan approvedWest Virginia WVU awards honorary doctorate to former secretary of state
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