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Thursday May 23, 2013
National NewsNational News Study: If you are a Latino, you may not get help from election officials
ALAlabama Low turnout for election that cost nearly $40K
AZArizona Analysis: Impact of early voting list plan distributed
CACalifornia LA vote count not slow, elections chief says, discounting complaints
COColorado Giron recall election dips to $207K
FLFlorida New law prompts elections office changes
GAGeorgia 2 investigates: Uncounted votes
IDIdaho Voters given wrong ballots in Middleton race
INIndiana Boone County clerk announced proposed vote center locations
MIMichigan Fenton on the search for new city clerk
MNMinnesota Election law changes get thumbs-up from RitchieMinnesota Absentee voting bill passes
NVNevada Miller accused of disclosure violation
NJNew Jersey Election info on new county website
NYNew York North Syracuse voters faced challenges in casting their ballotsNew York Good government groups oppose return to lever voting machines
OHOhio Student voting bill may not make it to budgetOhio Husted set to discuss investigation into voter fraudOhio Judge orders Dems to allow ballot reviewOhio Board of elections will recount St. Mary's votes
PAPennsylvania Rotunda was place to be election night after county site crashesPennsylvania Technical difficulties cause election havocPennsylvania Hazelton, area voters encounter variety of issuesPennsylvania How mac-n-cheese and water ice caused a small voting war in PhillyPennsylvania Upgrades eyed to avoid election night outagesPennsylvania Close election contests get Friday recountPennsylvania Voters can petition for new election in Hazleton area racePennsylvania Blair County beginning vote review on FridayPennsylvania Historical polling place serving voters again at new site in Derry Tennessee
TXTexas Harris County clerk initiative provides students real voting experience
UTUtah West Jordan to conduct voting by mail
VAVirginia City, county officials look over voting machine options
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