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Thursday July 4, 2013
National NewsNational News States eye voting obstacles in wake of high-court rulingNational News New Schumer bill would improve military access to votingNational News What the Voting Rights Act ruling means for votersNational News States tardy with absentee ballots targetedNational News After ruling, states rush to enact voting lawsNational News GOP has tough choices on Voting Rights ActNational News VRA ruling forces DOJ reassignmentsNational News MLK lawyer pledges to regain voting rights protections
ALAlabama Pro-voting group lights up July FourthAlabama Plans being finalized for free picture voter IDsAlabama Gadsden redistricting plan will not go to Justice Dept.
AZArizona Election sought on changes in voting law
ARArkansas Trial scheduled for 2014 on voter registration formsArkansas County receives elections grantArkansas Clay County receives grant
CACalifornia Lawsuit against Santa Clarita alleges violations of VRACalifornia Special elections set for Assembly, Senate seats are costly, draw few votersCalifornia Panel rejects challenges to 'top two' election lawsCalifornia Acampo woman to be honored for long-time service as poll worker
COColorado Possible vote fraud detected in regionColorado GOP urging two county clerks to run for secretary of stateColorado Democrats bear brunt of secretary of state's noncitizen voter huntColorado Elbert County clerk, election judge resignColorado Elbert County clerk, elections manager gone months before election
CTConnecticut Park bench dedicated to beloved, late East Haven officer
FLFlorida HamCo elections supervisor cleared of allegationsFlorida Okaloosa supervisor of elections addresses presidential commission
GAGeorgia NAACP seeks special Fayette elections later this yearGeorgia Office of elections updating voter rollsGeorgia Bibb County election lawsuit won't be withdrawnGeorgia Rural voters may feel actions of Supreme Court more keenly
GUGuam GEC to file late report tomorrowGuam GEC completes 2012 election comparative analysis report
ILIllinois Some can vote at age 17 in 2014 primary
INIndiana Decision on vote centers delayedIndiana Changes for Vigo County voters?
MEMaine Brunswick shuffling poll locations
MIMichigan Detroit absentee ballots in limbo
MNMinnesota Faster, more reliable voting machines coming to metro area
NHNew Hampshire NH Supreme Court to hear residency/voter registration case
NYNew York So far, so good for Oneida County's new election officialsNew York 1,600 votes in Brooklyn from 2012 election were just counted last weekNew York Bloomberg slams election board's 8-month-late ballot counts as an 'outrage'New York NYC BOE finds nearly 1,600 Brooklyn ballots never counted in NovemberNew York Cuomo to establish investigation into board of elections
NCNorth Carolina Hewitt tabbed for county elections board seatNorth Carolina Republicans take majority of county's elections board
OHOhio SOS candidate: No voting 'environment of fear'Ohio Ballots of 1864 cast by Meigs County Civil War soldiersOhio Former OU student gets jail time in election fraud caseOhio Former poll worker, to be sentenced on four counts of voter fraud
OKOklahoma Hurry up and wait: Tulsa's new election process frustrates candidates, voters
OROregon Senate rejects automatic voter registrationOregon Oregon Senate rejects universal voter registration proposal
PAPennsylvania Voters in special election to be notified by mailPennsylvania Letters to detail special electionPennsylvania Year-round at the elections officePennsylvania Schuylkill prepares for 'fix-it' election
SCSouth Carolina SLED: No rampant dead voters in South Carolina
SDSouth Dakota No push from S.D. on voting rights changesSouth Dakota Mix expects few voting changes
TNTennessee Hawkins County deputy registrars thankful for 24 years of serviceTennessee New voting system eyedTennessee Supreme Court ruling leaves Scott County officials weighing options
TXTexas Precinct 304 voting poll gets temporary moveTexas Voter ID law now in force in TexasTexas Voter ID law stirs mixed reactionTexas Outreach group eyes voter ID after Supreme Court rulingTexas Supreme Court decision opens way for voter IDs
VAVirginia VRA decision likely to effect pollsVirginia Cuccinelli pushes for voter registration by party to help force closed primariesVirginia Advocates worry about details of Virginia's new program to restore voting rights to felonsVirginia Voting Rights Act bail-out unpopular in Hampton RoadsVirginia Nelson seeks absentee voting precinct moveVirginia Court decision marks end of DOJ scrutiny of Virginia election law changesVirginia Augusta Co. voting precinct accessibility examined
WVWest Virginia Foley named as new county clerk
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