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December 06 - 8, 2014
National NewsNational News New voting laws played role in reduced turnout in four states, report saysNational News The 2014 elections that ended in a tie
ALAlabama Report says 119 Jefferson Co. absentee ballots not counted because of photo ID law
AZArizona 2nd District recount of 220K votes starting
ARArkansas Poll watchers present during special electionArkansas Special election requestedArkansas UA shuts down student voting shuttle in Tuesday election
CACalifornia Activist to deliver voting rights talk in AptosCalifornia District election case set for April trialCalifornia Ex-councilman convicted of voter fraudCalifornia Marin registrar thanks 600+ who helped on Election DayCalifornia Supervisors to certify final election results
COColorado Boulder Co. clerk: 'I followed the law' in election procedures
CTConnecticut Fairfield board of selectmen charge committee for election investigationConnecticut 11 could be called to testify about Hartford Election Day messConnecticut Town Council to discuss voting districts, number of polling places
FLFlorida PBC Dems push mail ballots to boost turnout
ILIllinois Lawmakers sidestep several issues during veto sessionIllinois Investigation sought on election judge confusion over robocalls
INIndiana Porter Co. election board still split on issue of voting centers
KSKansas Young poll workers learn the electoral ropes
KYKentucky Lawsuit filed in connection with election in Magoffin Co.
LALouisiana Voting issues reported at Galilee Baptist ChurchLouisiana Election Day arrives in Louisiana
MIMichigan Recount begins Monday
MNMinnesota Midterm turnout varied widely
MOMissouri Bill would set deadline to finish ballots
MTMontana Missoula recount continues
NENebraska Nebraska students rewarded for election work
NJNew Jersey Bogota poll workers accused of casting residents' votes
NYNew York Recently axed Suffolk elections commissioner lands new county job
OHOhio Recount finished in Summit Co.
OKOklahoma Oklahoma colleges earn praise for civic engagementOklahoma Sequoyah Co. to close precincts
PAPennsylvania Clerks work to finalize boundariesPennsylvania Experts challenge voter apathy in midterm election as they pose reforms to boost turnoutPennsylvania Montgomery Co. exploring new voting machines
SCSouth Carolina State election commission denies Trapp appealSouth Carolina Concealed weapon permits as voter IDs?
TXTexas Early voting turnout lagging for runoffsTexas Wilco continues elections administrator search
USVIUS Virgin Islands St. Croix elections board bars public from recountUS Virgin Islands St. Croix elections continues to bar public from recountUS Virgin Islands Daily News asks Superior Court to intervene in recount
VTVermont Condos to work for military voters
VAVirginia Dems in 34th District race push for easier absentee votingVirginia Prince William converting to paper ballots for elections
WIWisconsin Man who caused disturbance on election day ruled sane
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