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January 17 - 19, 2015
National NewsNational News Poverty affects no only who you vote for, but if you vote
ALAlabama New secretary of state discusses goals, commitments
CACalifornia Hayward park district saves millions by avoiding special election
CTConnecticut Longtime Glastonbury registrar retires after 20 yearsConnecticut Inquiry details errors by Hartford's registrarsConnecticut Squabbles among Hartford vote officials fueled election woes, report saysConnecticut Report cites numerous failures by Hartford registrars
FLFlorida Restoring voting rights for ex-felons major theme at MLK breakfastFlorida Fort Myers special election process begins
GAGeorgia Bibb Co. plans to reduce voting precinctsGeorgia Sumter BOE has new chair, vice chair
IDIdaho Former N. Idaho election official wants charge dismissed
ILIllinois Youth voter turnout remains static
INIndiana GOP-backed bill would end straight-ticket voting option
KYKentucky Grimes says she's running...but for what?
MDMaryland Friends and colleagues remember an 'unfailingly graceful' Nancy DacekMaryland Maryland going back to paper voting in 2016
MAMassachusetts Resignation reduces troubled election division to one worker
MOMissouri Bills filed at start of 2015 session
MTMontana McCulloch expresses disappointment in vote against student election judges
NMNew Mexico Native voting pact eased poll access, but turnout down
NYNew York Nicols to step down from postNew York Decline in electoral turnout followed demise of 'runner' sheets
OHOhio Idea is for fewer Ohio polling places, but you can use any of themOhio Legislature joins early-voting lawsuit as defendantOhio Canton raises pay for election inspectorsOhio Dems to replace Harrington on elections panel
OKOklahoma Turpin polling place to close
OROregon Brown proposes automatic OR voter registrationOregon Kate Brown will again push for universal voter registration
RIRhode Island RI BOE employee who alleged discrimination is terminated
SCSouth Carolina 700+ bills introduced so far this session
SDSouth Dakota Minnehaha election review highlights machine issuesSouth Dakota Election review committee looks into Minnehaha Co. problems
TXTexas Pressley files complaintTexas The state of voting in TexasTexas Deputy voter registrars trained in Fort BendTexas Public hearings on voter centers set
USVIUS Virgin Islands St. Croix BOE can't find a quorumUS Virgin Islands St. Croix BOE fails again to do anything
VAVirginia McAuliffe revamps state BOE
WVWest Virginia Secretary of state makes budget presentation
WYWyoming Bill proposes voting centers and e-poll books
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