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Friday February 6, 2015
ALAlabama SoS denies sexual act described in documents circulating on web
AKAlaska Election reforms in Juneau
CACalifornia Jump in mail ballots caused election-count woesCalifornia California violates Motor Voter, activists say; lawsuit threatenedCalifornia ACLU: California DMV fails at voter registrationCalifornia City may be forced to change voting systemCalifornia Judge rules that Del Mar's 'Voice Your Choice' is legal poll, rejects resident's suitCalifornia Voters take note: Law changed on vote-by-mail ballots
DEDelaware Town's election prep 'not wise' but voting isn't impactedDelaware Citizens appeal Frankford election rulings
FLFlorida Okaloosa's voting machines among oldest in stateFlorida North Miami Beach leaders discuss steps to prevent voter fraud in electionsFlorida Should Sarasota city election dates be changed?
INIndiana Vote centers approvedIndiana Bill would allow absentee ballots from dead voters to countIndiana Warrick Co. towns may not have May primaries
IAIowa Senate OKs primary election runoff bill
KSKansas State voting laws examined in book co-authored by FHSU professorKansas Kansas voter questions registration systemKansas Reever takes over as county's deputy clerk
KYKentucky Felons' voting rights bill renewedKentucky Fleming and Lewis plan precinct changes for special election
MOMissouri Buehler adjusts to office of county clerk
NENebraska Committee OKs voter ID bill for legislative debateNebraska Mail-in voting bill could boost turnout in rural Nebraska
NYNew York St. Mary's polling place moved after issues raised
NDNorth Dakota Lawmakers consider voter ID proposal
OHOhio Election board requests funds
OROregon Motor Voter Bill, an old controversy resurfaces in SalemOregon Postal carrier's meth habit led to 30K pieces of stolen mail
TXTexas Bennett appointed elections directorTexas Nueces Co. clerk fighting suspended driver's license
UTUtah Logan looking to switch to vote-by-mail
VAVirginia Culpepper Co. registrar to leave for PW job
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