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Thursday February 12, 2015
National NewsNational News Lawmakers push longshot bid to rewrite VRANational News House approves gold medal for voting rights marchersNational News Paul, Reid join on offender voting rights bill
AKAlaska House Dems talk Native voting, languages
ARArkansas Proposal would reinstate Arkansas' voter ID requirementArkansas Proposed constitutional amendments to require voter ID filed
CACalifornia Supervisors, registrar seek solutions for 2014 election glitchesCalifornia City of West Hollywood cues-up lyric-filled voter registration effort
COColorado Boulder DA's office investigating mail-ballot signature discrepancies
CTConnecticut Hartford drafts resolution to remove registrars
FLFlorida Student summit focuses on passing OVRFlorida Students get lesson votingFlorida Fort Meyers to consider early voting at meeting
GAGeorgia Lowndes Co. BOE in need of poll workersGeorgia Bill to cut early voting advances
GUGuam Voting bills held back for more testimony
INIndiana Bill to end straight-ticket voting goes forward
IAIowa Lawmakers seek to broaden OVR
KSKansas Hearing on bill to move local elections to November draws big crowd
KYKentucky Supporters hopeful for bill granting voting rights for felons in Kentucky
MDMaryland MoCo BOE: Clogged phone lines, other problems lead to delay in reporting resultsMaryland Commissioners request change in election board
MAMassachusetts Somerset considers going from five voting precincts to one to save money
MOMissouri Dugger's photo ID legislation debated
NENebraska Legislation would expand elections by mail
NJNew Jersey Emerson officials consider moving elections out of schools
NCNorth Carolina Election board still in dark after district meetingNorth Carolina Details on stopping non-citizens from voting releasedNorth Carolina New Hanover elections board member details opposition to director nominee
NDNorth Dakota House passes voter ID bill
OHOhio Franklin Co. official: Not voting won't cost poll worker jobs
OROregon Brown cutting D.C. trip short
SCSouth Carolina Richland Co. elections board hires full-time directorSouth Carolina Selph officially hired as Richland director
TXTexas Hunt County supports online voter registration
UTUtah Bills to boost eligible ballots advance through House committeeUtah Election day registration may expand to early voting
VAVirginia Morrissey election cost Henrico nearly $54KVirginia Favola bill would let seniors go to the front of the voting line (sometimes)Virginia Augusta officials move voting precinct
WVWest Virginia Charleston seeks poll workers for city election
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