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Friday February 13, 2015
ALAlabama Court affirms military voting law
FLFlorida Early voting could be canceled to save money in Ft. Myers
IAIowa Dubuque NAACP chapter starts petition to restore felon voting rights
KSKansas Committee hears testimony in proposed change to election calendar
KYKentucky House passes proposal to restore some felons' voting rights
MDMaryland Election officials blame old technology for long results, waitMaryland Man guilty in Elk Neck polling place biting incident
MIMichigan Absentee voting bill dies in SenateMichigan Senate votes to move presidential primary setting up possible 'Big Ten' Tuesday
MOMissouri Since 2004, St. Louis has purged 25 percent of its votersMissouri Puxico ballot issue would stop write-insMissouri New, non-election notice law causing some confusion
NYNew York Legislation would allow New Yorkers to track absentee ballots
OHOhio Husted's testimony about non-citizen voting gets strong reaction at congressional hearingOhio Dems pick new elections board membersOhio Election board: No election in MayOhio HIggins to resign from BOE
OROregon Kate Brown 'ready' to replace Oregon governor
PAPennsylvania 'I believe I can still contribute positively': Cortes talks about his new cabinet post
TXTexas Webb Co. elections office testing voting machines before special electionTexas Election administration assists votersTexas Uresti files secure voter registration bill
UTUtah Bills to boost eligible ballots advance through House committee
VTVermont Condos reminds Vermonters about early voting
VAVirginia New voting machines coming to Va. BeachVirginia Is voting machine replacement funding slipping away?Virginia Special election cost nearly $58K
WAWashington As filing deadline nears, Yakima and ACLU await ruling on redistricting proposals
WVWest Virginia Tennant encourages secure mail service
WIWisconsin Assembly OKs giving auditors access to election records
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