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February 14 - 16, 2015
National NewsNational News Around the U.S., voting technology is all over the place
AZArizona Early August primary? Panel votes yesArizona Election law changes debated in Legislature MondayArizona House committee backs earlier elections
ARArkansas Craighead Co. elections coordinator resigns over billing
CACalifornia Garamendi cosponsors voting rights legislationCalifornia OC supervisor recount endsCalifornia Study; State open primary fails to deliverCalifornia Latino activists consider voting rights lawsuit against Orange Co.California Vote-by-mail drop-off boxes return to county city halls this spring
COColorado Despite criticism, few efforts to change Colorado's mail ballot law
CTConnecticut Granby legislators thank poll workers
DEDelaware Residents' appeals over election practices denied
FLFlorida Plaque unveiled in honor of former elections supervisorFlorida Supervisor: Elections staff ready for people with disabilitiesFlorida Voting rights for minorities threatened, experts sayFlorida Few voters expected for Tuesday's special election
GAGeorgia Lumsden: Long early voting period too costly for someGeorgia New elections supervisor gets to workGeorgia Jones resigns from elections board in Hall
ILIllinois Voters to be place in nationwide databaseIllinois State proposal would require county to buy laptop for each precinctIllinois Plan to join voter registry raises questionsIllinois Early voting sites open on holidayIllinois New voter system security questioned
INIndiana Floyd council to decide on voting machines next weekIndiana New voting center sites selected for municipal electionIndiana No touch screen voting for Porter Co. this year or nextIndiana Two Senate bills would affect voters
IAIowa Pate names Hysell to auditor's advisory group
MAMassachusetts Change made to eliminate schools as polling stations
MIMichigan May election could cost state $10M to conduct
MNMinnesota Simon: Off-election year good time to talk voting changesMinnesota Bill would make it easier for National Guard to vote
MSMississippi Rankin election commissioners propose parties take on more duties
MOMissouri Local lawmakers seek voting reforms
NENebraska LWV of Nebraska opposes voter ID billNebraska Broad coalition opposes voter ID bill
NMNew Mexico Teen voting bill lives another day
NYNew York Lawsuit begins against Cuomo to force election for Grimm seatNew York Cuomo attorneys argue against special election
NDNorth Dakota Bill proposed to require ND voters to register
OHOhio Husted tells Congress that Obama's immigration order raises voter-fraud riskOhio Wayne Co. BOE consolidates precinctsOhio Mahoning elections board reduces polling placesOhio Butler, Warren elections boards don't fire poll workers for not votingOhio Fewer polling sites in YoungstownOhio Longest-serving Trumbull employee likes making people feel welcomeOhio Husted seeks help in voter fraud fight
OKOklahoma Years take toll on state's corps of poll workers
OROregon Oregon governor's resignation elevates secretary of stateOregon Automatic voter registration is cleared for House voteOregon Motor voter bill splits legislatureOregon Roblan sides with Motor Voter bill
SDSouth Dakota LWV impacts elections in a good way
TNTennessee No food for poll workersTennessee Some 21st Century poll workers may return to the 18th to cast ballots
TXTexas Upshur Co. cities, schools to pay more for election servicesTexas Commissioners endorse online voter registration optionTexas Sullivan will run May elections
VTVermont Senator wants to match NH for first presidential primary
VAVirginia Bencoach gets sworn in as city registrar
WAWashington At 95, Bellingham/Whatcom LWV continues to fight for equalityWashington County ballots take on a different look
WIWisconsin Polling places change for three districts
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