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Wednesday February 18, 2015
ALAlabama Court rules Alabama disenfranchises overseas military voters
ARArkansas Bill shifts state's '16 primary to March
CACalifornia Board of supervisors reviews election process
COColorado Voter ID bill scheduled for committee hearingsColorado GOP bill seeks voter ID for election day voter registration
FLFlorida Ward 3 gets early voting in special election
ILIllinois County clerk still hoping for voting law change
INIndiana Vanderburgh Co. poll workers wages could double
IAIowa Ex-felons challenge governor for voting rights
NENebraska Sparks fly as debate begins on voter ID billNebraska Nebraska photo ID bill prompts filibuster
NVNevada Voter ID bill introduced in Nevada SenateNevada Nevada GOP introduces voter ID bill
NYNew York Judge orders Cuomo to call special election
OKOklahoma New changes early voting to the prior Thursday and FridayOklahoma Recount rescheduled
OROregon Details unclear as transition speeds ahead
TXTexas Field narrowed for El Paso Co. elections administratorTexas Countywide voting centers to stay in Taylor Co.
UTUtah Bill to boost countable ballots passes House, moves to Senate
WAWashington Federal judge orders district voting for Yakima in ACLU caseWashington Wyman says state needs 2016 primary that counts
WVWest Virginia Officials: ID not needed
WIWisconsin New voting machines make their debutWisconsin Homeless advocates and city leader ensure homeless voice gets heard in local elections
WYWyoming Voting centers bill marches ahead in Legislature
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