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Tuesday February 24, 2015
National NewsNational News Democrats want to add right to vote to Constitution
CACalifornia Limited English proficiency plays role in CA's low turnout rates
COColorado City to consider hybrid election
FLFlorida Voting rights group wants constitutional amendment to make voting easier for felonsFlorida Scott cuts state losses in long voting fight
GAGeorgia Chatham Co. BOE split on chairmanGeorgia Community group to discuss possible poll changes
IDIdaho Cassia District saddled with election cost
ILIllinois Suburban primary elections to be decided TuesdayIllinois 2 candidates witness shooting outside polling placeIllinois AG assigns teams to monitor Chicago, Springfield electionsIllinois County board approves cuts to polling places
INIndiana Local election board calls off primary
KYKentucky House passes OVR
LALouisiana Registrar of voters candidates to be interviewed next week
MDMaryland Hogan appoints HarCo elections board
MIMichigan Bill could remove limits on Michigan absentee voting
MSMississippi Hosemann runs for third term as SoS
MOMissouri Kraus, SoS candidate, renews push for voter ID lawMissouri Two different Senate proposals to require photo ID for voting
NENebraska Lawmakers begin debate on winner-take-all voting system
NJNew Jersey Attorneys prep for Asbury Park mayoral trial
NCNorth Carolina Audit: NC BOE lost $1M in software upgrade
PAPennsylvania Fresh faces on the 2015 MontCo elections board
SCSouth Carolina Weather could hinder turnout
TXTexas Cascos to take oath of office on March 7Texas County keeps election boss search open
VAVirginia Both sides support precinct changes in Botetourt Co.Virginia Va. lawmakers get more time to redraw districts
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