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Wednesday February 25, 2015
ARArkansas Second company display new voting machines for county
CTConnecticut SoS to unveil proposed election changes
DEDelaware State rep to reintroduce absentee voting measure
FLFlorida 'Hard to predict': Turnout could be low in city elections
ILIllinois Low voter turnout amid cold tempsIllinois Frigid day dulls voter vigorIllinois Morgan Park voters asked for IDs, but judge says no one turned awayIllinois That last language on your ballot receipt? It's HindiIllinois Elections board dismisses calls for probe in to 'irregularities'Illinois Election complaints include food reheating tiff, the case of the missing furnitureIllinois Election judge may have told people how to voteIllinois 19-year old helps out on election dayIllinois Hermosa man, 76, disappears on way to polling place
IAIowa Lawmakers mull expanded online voter registrationIowa Online voter registration coming to Iowa
KSKansas Senate edges closer to handing prosecutorial power to Kobach on voter fraud
KYKentucky House passes Grimes' elections initiatives
MDMaryland Ex-offenders pushing for voting rightsMaryland Ex-offenders push for voting rights
MNMinnesota Early voting bill advances
MOMissouri Progress seen on voter ID billsMissouri Settlement reached in harassment suit against elections director
NENebraska Voter ID bill discussedNebraska Winner-take-all voting bill faces test in Legislature
NVNevada Mineral Co. election mess: Former clerk-treasurer speaks outNevada Bill would allow voters to receive sample ballots via email
NJNew Jersey Somerset Co. election administrator featured in national publication
NCNorth Carolina Columbus Co. elections officials say they need more spaceNorth Carolina State elections chairman doesn't 'anticipate' reversal in McFadyen decision
OHOhio Nellie polling location changed
PAPennsylvania Luzerne Co. election director resigns
SCSouth Carolina Florence voters bear wintry mix to cast ballots
TXTexas Campaign workers sentenced for voter fraudTexas Public invited to meeting on county voting centers
UTUtah Senate kills bill to delay County My Vote compromise
VTVermont Windham Co. clerks split on election day registration
VAVirginia Botetourt Co. reduces voting precincts to save money
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