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Thursday March 26, 2015
ALAlabama SCOTUS sends redistricting case back for review
AZArizona House panel OKs bill making ballot college illegalArizona Early ballot proposal gets second chance
ARArkansas Senate approves voter integrity unit creation
CACalifornia Election reforms are overlooking apathy's causeCalifornia County looking for June election workersCalifornia Council votes to abolish April elections
FLFlorida No election night disappointment for HoganFlorida Low voter turnout combined with high cost of electionsFlorida Supervisor of elections honored at Scout Golden Eagle dinner
GUGuam GEC researching online voter registrationGuam Commission to discuss plans for special election
HIHawaii Lawmakers back plans for regular mail voting
ILIllinois East St. Louis sends new ballots after mayor's name removed
INIndiana Evansville to hold public test of voting machines
KSKansas Kansas appeals voter citizenship lawsuit to SCOTUS
LALouisiana St. Tammany Parish animal shelter to close Saturday due to elections
MNMinnesota Move to restore felon voting rights appears stalledMinnesota Settlement conference date set for ballot burning case
MOMissouri Voter polling location changes for Greene Co.
MTMontana SoS visits local high schools
NENebraska Wisconsin ruling renews debate in Unicameral
OHOhio BOE obtains over $40K in free election equipment from neighboring countyOhio Some oppose proposal for college students to register for licensesOhio Lorain Co. electronic poll books for May 5 electionOhio New polling place for Tiffin primary
TXTexas Lamar Co. commissioner choose new clerkTexas Two face voter fraud chargesTexas Texas Second Court of Appeals denies special election appealTexas Commissioners approve new early voting location
UTUtah South Weber council says no to vote-by-mail
VAVirginia SCLC in Roanoke starts petition to keep polling places
WAWashington ACLU rebuffs Yakima's proposal for attorney fees
WYWyoming Deputy SoS resigns for new position
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