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April 04 - 6, 2015
National NewsNational News Lawmakers seek new review of military voting assistance program
AKAlaska Lawmakers eye ways to improve voter access to polls
AZArizona Bill modifying early ballot collection dies in House
CACalifornia Bill introduced to provide automatic voter registrationCalifornia Ballot measure sponsors must be ID'd court affirms
COColorado Colorado Springs election judge: 'Get your butt out here and vote"
CTConnecticut Local registrars reviewing compromise language in proposed bill
FLFlorida Fight over OVR in Florida
GAGeorgia Elections director resigns over 'technical errors' in updating voter registration rollsGeorgia State reviewing Richmond voter purgesGeorgia Ga. elections official resigns over misidentified votersGeorgia Early voting laws narrowly escape sine die intact
ILIllinois Election board chairman calls it quits after 18 yearsIllinois Chicago elections chief got lobbying contracts from Emanuel's administration
INIndiana Clerk takes actions to speed voting
KSKansas Shawnee Co. election commissioner predicts lower than average turnoutKansas Sealing of votes means time is past for researcher seeking paper records, Kobach saysKansas Polling place changed due to storm damageKansas Three Reno polling places change for Tuesday
MAMassachusetts Four Attleboro area towns trek to polls today
MNMinnesota State official raises concerns about aging election equipment
MOMissouri Wellness director says candidate offered free beer for voter registrationsMissouri St. Charles Co. to pay nearly $370K in settlement
NVNevada Voter ID bills moved to money panel for fiscal review
OHOhio Two fired workers re-apply
OKOklahoma OSU Professor: Bills would help increase voter turnoutOklahoma County absentee vote total just two
PAPennsylvania City hoping for new voting machines by 2017Pennsylvania Wolf administration pushes election reforms
TNTennessee Voter registration software seminar held in Wilson Co.
VAVirginia No issues found with voting machinesVirginia Technology aims to improve the voting experienceVirginia No primary elections in Williamsburg, James City CountyVirginia Touchscreen problems worry Virginia election officials
WAWashington Yakima city council calls special meeting to discuss voting rightsWashington City council takes no action on voting rights appeal
WIWisconsin GAB: 1 in 5 voters expected for spring electionsWisconsin Howard creates new voting location
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