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Wednesday April 22, 2015
ALAlabama Alabama elections officer launches push to get voter ID to every eligible voterAlabama Felon voting bill passes House; Dems block two other elections measuresAlabama House lists crimes that forfeit voting rights
AKAlaska Early voting starts Wednesday in Anchorage mayoral runoff
CACalifornia Bill to make voting materials more comprehensible approve by Senate committeeCalifornia Monterey Co. high schools target of voter ed campaign
COColorado After due-date flub, Denver voters will get May 5 election reminder
DEDelaware No-excuse absentee ballot legislation introduced
FLFlorida Detzner takes heat for online registrationFlorida Broward SOE says she will seek re-election
GAGeorgia Ex-elections chief sentencedGeorgia Auburn election officials prep for Tuesday's vote
ILIllinois No evidence found to determine cause of polling location fireIllinois Some clerks moving forward with Schock electionIllinois Tazewell to ask Schock to pay for special election
INIndiana Floyd Co. makes voting changes following technical issues in NovemberIndiana Election board votes to reduce Saturday hours
KYKentucky Alison Lundergan Grimes says voter turnout 'unacceptable'
LALouisiana DuBos: Don't forget to vote during busy JazzFest
MIMichigan Tech problems slow Allegan Co. election resultsMichigan Sterling Heights prepares for election
NJNew Jersey Polling locations to stay the same in Verona
NCNorth Carolina Next-generation voting equipment displayedNorth Carolina NC House may give more time to switch to paper vote
NDNorth Dakota Legislature passes voter ID billNorth Dakota Grand Forks lawmaker says ND voter ID bill fails to address problemsNorth Dakota For poll workers, elections are reunions
OROregon Parrish says 'no thanks' to SoS run
PAPennsylvania Company questions Luzerne Co. purchasing selection
SCSouth Carolina Close vote triggers recount
TNTennessee No changes made to county election commission
WVWest Virginia Election oversight board created in Weirton
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