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April 25 - 27, 2015
National NewsNational News Gillibrand pushes for nationwide OVR
AZArizona Voter registration forms OK'd by 9thArizona Federal court upholds Arizona election law
CACalifornia Lawmakers consider changes to voting
COColorado Average voter in April 7 election: A 60-year-old Republican woman
FLFlorida State elections office tosses out cases against 2 Flagler commissionersFlorida Volusia, Flagler, other counties spent $856K to run special elections
HIHawaii Maui Co. launches elections website
ILIllinois Rock Co. clerk moving to job in Beloit
INIndiana State police close voter fraud investigation in Lawrenceburg
KYKentucky Election board covers variety of matters in meeting
LALouisiana Voter registrars get 6-figure pay, 2 raises a year, lifetime security, Fox 8 says
MDMaryland Voting records contain unique look to county's past
MAMassachusetts Town transitions from 5 polling sites to 2
MIMichigan Wayne ward voting rules approved on third try
MSMississippi Biloxi voters, bring your ID to the polls on Tuesday
MOMissouri April 7 election in limbo
MTMontana Confusion: Lone Rock absentee voters receive 3 ballots for elections
NJNew Jersey Union Co. clerk offers one-stop 'vote-by-mail' service
NMNew Mexico State workers accused of taking leave vote, then not voting
NYNew York Gillibrand proposes boosting voter rolls
NCNorth Carolina Former New Hanover elections director expected in court Monday
OHOhio Ohio bill proposes automatic voter registrationOhio Planned legislation would modernize registrationOhio Elections board takes early voting to seniorsOhio Election board workers recognized
TXTexas 4 years later, Texas still defending voter ID lawTexas May elections marked by low voter turnout
VAVirginia : http://www.progress-index.com/article/20150424/NEWS/150429774Virginia Virginia Beach voting goes digitalVirginia Va. Beach will use new digital scanner voting machinesVirginia Va. Beach debuts new voting machines
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