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Thursday April 30, 2015
ARArkansas Voting equipment OK'd for state bid
CACalifornia Motor voter bill speeds forwardCalifornia Saugus district hit with voting rights lawsuit
DCDistrict of Columbia A nail-biter in DC's Ward 8 could take a week to resolve
FLFlorida Online voter registration OK'd, sent to a wary Gov. ScottFlorida Online voter registration bill heads to governorFlorida Wellington moves its Election Day for 2016
ILIllinois Pike Co. board wants Schock to pay for special election
INIndiana Porter Co. council rejects new poll books on eve of primaryIndiana Voters to use electronic poll books Tuesday
IAIowa Ted Cruz taps for Iowa SoS for campaign
MEMaine Voter ID bill clears Senate by 1 voteMaine Photo ID measure wins first round in Senate
MIMichigan Local clerks say turnout could be low for May 5 election
MOMissouri Expanded voting rights, registrations for military voters sent to governor
NVNevada Voter signature verification bill draws some critics
OHOhio Holmes Co. looks to replace aging voting machinesOhio Lorain Co. voters will sign in e-books for May 5 primaryOhio Photo voter ID bill again pushed by lawmakersOhio Republicans push for photo ID voting requirements againOhio Group begins effort to put redistricting on 2016 ballotOhio Voters re-routed for election
OROregon For some small districts, no candidates
PAPennsylvania County ballots to include candidates' hometownsPennsylvania Red Lion polling place changed
WAWashington Fed, state legal questions delay Pasco redistrictingWashington King Co. elections lauds passage of House Bill 1919
WIWisconsin Cleveland election results draw court challenge
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